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    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 双控制台, 开放式
    用途 运动, 钓鱼运动
    人数 4 人座
    甲板布置 日光浴
    长度 6.83 m(22'04" )
    宽度 2.32 m(7'07" )
    位置 950 kg(2,094.39 lb)
    发动机功率 250 ch, 300 ch(250 hp, 300 hp)
    燃料容量 250 l(66 gal)


inval 685 Sport Angler具有独特的功能。

在速度达到110公里/小时的情况下,可以快速启动并具有出色的可操作性。船体强度的耐久性是针对船在冲击波浪时经历的极端过载而设计的。在海浪冲击时,背部的压力将由高级别的冲击吸收系统Shockwave S5来减少,该系统已包含在该船的标准功能中。

685 Sport Angler拥有你所需要的一切,可以让你舒适地钓鱼。船头甲板上的储物柜可以容纳12根鱼竿。4根2.8米以下,8根2.8米以下的长度。中央储物柜容量为194升,可同时用于存放东西和钓具箱。为此,我们提供了特殊的可拆卸隔板,将储物柜分成若干部分。

泰勒制造的全钢化玻璃挡风玻璃提供了良好的防风保护,并允许安装雨刮器。船长控制台允许安装两个12英寸屏幕的回声探测仪。对于要求最严格的钓鱼者,可以在乘客的控制台安装两个额外的12 "设备。

Finval 685 Sport Angler有两个塑料活水舱,容量分别为110和130升。每一个都配备了一个增氧机,即使在炎热的夏天也能保持鱼的活力。



inval 685 Sport Angler has unique features.

Quick start and excellent maneuverability at speeds up to 110 km/h. The hull strength durability is designed for extreme overloads experienced by the boat when hitting the waves. The stress on the back during waves impacts will be reduced by the premium class shock-absorption system Shockwave S5, which is included in the standard features of the boat.

The 685 Sport Angler has everything you need for comfortable fishing. The bow deck lockers can accommodate 12 rods: 4 up to 2.8 meters , and 8 up to 2.8 meters long. The central locker 194 l volume can be used both for storing things and for tackle boxes simultaneously. For this purpose, special removable partitions are provided, which divide the locker into sections.

Full tempered glass windshield by Taylor Made provides excellent wind protection and allows to install wipers. A captain’s console is allowed for the installation of two 12” screen echo sounders. For the most demanding anglers, two additional 12” devices can be installed on the passenger’s console.

Finval 685 Sport Angler has two plastic livewells with the capacity of 110 and 130 liters. Each of them is equipped with an oxygenator that will keep the fish alive even in hot summer.

This model’s distinctive feature is an original design of the stern. It has a swim platform that extends beyond the boat’s transom measure. This increases floatation and stability, allows access to the engine, propeller without leaving the boat, and easily takes the fish out of the water with your hands.