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    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 开放式, 侧边控制台
    用途 钓鱼运动, 追踪
    长度 18'03"(5.58 m)
    宽度 7'00"(2.13 m)
    位置 475 lb(215.46 kg)
    发动机功率 70 ch(70 hp)
    吃水深度 8.5 in


Honker 18是一个轻量级、浅吃水的船只,使用60马力的舷外机,可以以30节的速度行驶,或在拖钓鲑鱼或底层鱼时空转数小时。它是Cackler 14和Snow Goose 16的较大版本。它被设计成一个伟大的运动平台,同样可以在家里放置渔具和鸭子诱饵。由于它的吃水较浅,它是推入荒野的隐蔽角落寻找乐趣和冒险的理想选择 凭借其坚固的结构,Honker 18可以轻松上岸,用于徒步旅行、打猎和露营。作为一个灵活的设计,你的Honker 18可以配置干燥的、可上锁的睡袋和长内衣的存储空间。 使用Honker 18可以轻松容纳三个人和一周的装备。

Honker 18可以提供研究报告和完整的施工图。在施工图中甚至还有一个驾驶室选项。请看皮特为他的Honker--Dawn Patrol所拍摄的建造照片。



The Honker 18 is a lightweight, shallow draft vessel that, with a 60 horse outboard, can race along at 30 knots or idle for hours while trolling for salmon or bottom fish. It’s a bigger version of the Cackler 14 and Snow Goose 16. It was designed as a great sporting platform, equally at home with fishing tackle and duck decoys. With its shallow draft, it is ideal for pushing into hidden corners of the wilderness in search of fun and adventure With its rugged construction, the Honker 18 can be easily beached for hiking, hunting, and camping. As a flexible design, your Honker 18 can be configured with dry, lockable storage for sleeping bags and long underwear. Room for three people and a week’s worth of their gear is easy with the Honker 18.

The Honker 18 is available as study and full construction plans. There is even a pilothouse option in the construction plans. And take a look at Pete’s build photos for his Honker, the Dawn Patrol.

My own two sons are now ages 14 and 10. We all like to fish and explore some of the more out of the way areas in the Northwest where we live and for years, I have been aware of a place on the West Coast of Vancouver Island called Barkley Sound. This year we decided to have a go at exploring this area by boat. My choices were to take one of our larger boats and spend 3 days travel time (dependent on good weather) just to get up to Barkley Sound. Or we could trailer our Honker up behind the family pickup on gravel roads and launch in the sound itself at a place called Alberni Inlet and motor around the Sound beach cruising.