江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 开放式
    用途 钓鱼运动
    人数 最多容纳 3 人
    长度 3.7 m(12'01" )
    宽度 1.63 m(5'04" )
    发动机功率 15 ch(15 hp)


Aqua Bass 370 - 今年的新船!
由Pechemoderne.com的钓鱼向导专门为我们设计的钓鱼船。 Aqua Bass船上的每一个细节都是经过深思熟虑的,所以您可以放松地享受您的钓鱼乐趣!

Aqua Bass船是我们最新推出的产品。 完全由钓鱼者设计,为钓鱼者而设计,这款船具有你所期望的所有顶级功能,是一款优秀的鲈鱼船。

由高质量的Rigiflex聚乙烯制成,Aqua Bass船看起来真的很不错。 特点包括大量的防水储物空间,大面积的前甲板与铝制加固框架,海洋级船用地毯和两个额外的可移动椅子。这艘船是精心设计的,是严肃的休闲钓鱼者或竞争性饵料钓鱼者的完美选择。它甚至还配备了一个72L的活饵箱,具有淡水循环功能!这对于竞争性钓鱼者来说是非常好的,可以在测量和释放之前保存他们的渔获物。

这艘船在行驶或漂流时非常稳定,在所有极端天气条件下航行都非常安全。 船上所有的东西都有自己的位置,从存储救生衣,锚具,当然还有渔具!这防止了船的杂乱,让大的前甲板区域清楚的钓鱼。 这样就不会让船变得杂乱无章,让宽大的前甲板区域变得清净,便于钓鱼。



The Aqua Bass 370 – New for this year!
An angler’s boat designed exclusively for us by the fishing guides at Pechemoderne.com. Every detail on the Aqua Bass boat has been thought out so you can relax and enjoy your fishing!

Available as a CLASSIC boat only version or as a complete PACK with all the accessories (NB neither offer includes the rear outboard).
The Aqua Bass Boat is the latest addition to our range. Designed totally by anglers, for anglers, this model has all the top features you would expect from a great bass boat.

Made from top quality Rigiflex polyethylene, the Aqua Bass Boat really looks the part. Features include plenty of waterproof storage space, a large front deck with aluminium reinforced frame, marine-grade boat carpet and two additional removable chairs. The boat is carefully designed and perfect for the serious pleasure angler or competitive lure angler. It even features a 72L live bait tank with fresh water circulation! This is great for competition anglers for keeping their catches before measurement and release.

The boat is exceptionally stable when motoring or drifting, making navigation very safe in all but extreme weather conditions. Everything has its place on board from storage for life jackets, anchoring gear and of course fishing tackle! This stops the boat getting cluttered, leaving the big front deck area clear for fishing.

Finally, the boat has an all-round rub rail (strake) for extra protection during docking.