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    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 开放式
    用途 钓鱼运动
    长度 16'00"(4.88 m)
    宽度 68.5 in
    位置 551 lb(249.93 kg)
    发动机功率 50 ch(50 hp)


XTS是目前市场上运行最好的鸭子船之一,拥有每艘Xpress的所有安全预防措施。新近重新设计的XTS提供了一个带焊接台阶的后部横梁。同样伟大的功能,同样伟大的性能,在一个有竞争力的,经济的价格点。Xpress Tactical系列具有激光般的结构,并经过精确设计,为猎人和户外运动者提供了最好的船体,能够处理从木材猎人到回水渔民的任何问题。当环境温度为20多度而水温接近冰点时,整体性能、耐久性和安全性是最重要的。作为猎人,我们会不遗余力地追逐 "绿顶先生",但在一天结束时,我们希望能安全回家,回到他们的家人身边。当把XTS16与其他品牌进行比较时,XTS16在竞争中会卖出自己,特别是当加上这艘船在运行河流、木材时表现特别好,并再次拥有舒适感,知道可膨胀泡沫不仅符合,而且超过了海岸警卫队的浮动标准。



The XTS is one of the finest running duck boats on the market today hosting all of the safety precautions built into every Xpress. The newly redesigned XTS offers a cut back transom with welded access steps. Same great features, same great performance, at a competitive, economical price point. The Xpress Tactical Series has laser-like construction and is precision engineered to provide the hunter and outdoorsman with the finest outboard hull, capable of handling anything from timber hunters to backwater fisherman. Overall performance, durability and safety is paramount when the ambient temperature is the 20’s and the water temp is close to freezing. As hunters, we will go to great lengths to chase “Ole Mr. Green Top,” but at the end of the day, we want to get home safely, back to their families. When comparing the XTS16 to other brands, competitively the XTS16 will sell itself, especially when coupled with the fact that this boat performs exceptionally well while running rivers, timber and again possesses the comfort knowing that the expandable foam not only meets, but exceeds Coast Guard flotation standards.

Overall package length includes trailer and engine
All measurements are approximate
Photos may include optional