江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    发动机类型 舷外
    用途 钓鱼运动
    材料 铝制
    人数 最多容纳 4 人
    长度 4.9 m(16'00" )


KER® Promise — — 2019 年铝船的最佳工厂保修 — — 可上锁、顶装船弓甲板储物隔间
100% 铝、无木结构
独家 VersATRACK® 配件安装通道
独家森林绿色固定 Tread™ 粉末涂层(可选) 草原或林地迷彩)
7° 死机,全焊接的 Mod V 船体具有出色的操控性和更平滑、更干燥的骑行
系统和横梁焊接到 .100 5052 铝合金船体
2 个内置座椅底座前方和船尾 (座椅可选)
全焊接的 TRACKER® GRIZFLY® 1648 Jon 是一艘坚固且高度通用铝合金船,可随时进行钓鱼、狩猎或通用划船作业。 一体化的吊杆、横梁和船体给你一个坚如磐石的船,一个平稳,干燥的旅程。

灰熊乔恩船有一个厚的,.190 铝驾驶舱地板加上一个大的前甲板与新的可上锁的储物舱。 7° 死机型 Mod V 船体提供光滑、干燥的骑行,它完成了我们的独家森林绿色粉末外套,带有 Sure Tread™,表面耐用、防滑。 与所有 TRACKER 船艇一样,它得到了 TRACKER 承诺 — — 业内最好的工厂保修。


Backed by the TRACKER® Promise—the best factory warranty in aluminum boats
NEW for 2019—lockable, top-loading bow deck storage compartment
100% aluminum, wood-free construction
Exclusive VERSATRACK® accessory-mounting channel in gunnels
Exclusive Forest Green Sure Tread™ powder-coat (optional Grassland or Woodland camo)
7° deadrise, all-welded Mod V hull for great handling & a smoother, drier ride
Stringer system & transom welded into the .100 5052 aluminum alloy hull
Welded-in, foam-filled interior side walls for quieter ride & structural strength
2 built-in seat pedestal bases fore & aft (seats optional)
The all-welded TRACKER® GRIZZLY® 1648 Jon is a tough and highly versatile aluminum jon boat ready to be outfitted for fishing, hunting or general-purpose boating. The unitized stringer, transom and hull give you a rock-solid boat with a smooth, drier ride.

GRIZZLY jon boats have a thick, .190 aluminum cockpit floor plus a big front deck with a new lockable storage compartment. The 7° deadrise Mod V hull provides a smooth, dry ride, and it's finished with our exclusive forest green powder-coat with Sure Tread™ for a durable, non-slip surface. And like all TRACKER boats, it’s backed by the TRACKER Promise—the best factory warranty in the industry.