江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 开放式
    用途 钓鱼运动
    长度宽度 4.27 m (14'00")X5'01" (1.55 m)
    位置 225 lb (102.06 kg)
    发动机功率 25 ch (25 hp)
    吃水深度 7.75 in


好吧,"关于黑布兰特三号的这些废话是什么,为什么要采用新设计?"为了正确理解德夫林船地的生活方式,你必须首先从长远的角度来看待这一行动,并加入足够的时间因素,以真正从地质学的角度来看待这一场景。在我设计和建造狩猎船的二十多年里,有很多时间和年头可以用来发展更多的设计。我爸爸说我几乎是一个持续的 "修补者",这可能是一个很好的说法,虽然我认为我的设计是最好的,而且我毫无保留地相信它们,但我也意识到,生活中没有什么是完美的,通往涅槃的方式是不断努力做得更好。所有这些可能只是与新教工作伦理的内部冲突,或其他类型的精神心理学废话,但底线是,我们的许多设计被改变,一点一点地,直到它们达到更好的使用高原。



All right, “What is this nonsense about a Black Brant III and why the new design?” In order to properly understand the way life goes out here in Devlin Boat Land, you must first of all take a long distance view of the operation with enough time factor thrown in to really view the scene in geological perspective. Over the twenty some years that I have been designing and building hunting boats, there has been a lot of time and years with which to evolve more than a couple of designs. My Dad says that I am an almost constant “tinkerer”, which is probably a nice way to say that, while I think my designs are the best available and I believe in them without reservations, that I am also aware that nothing in life is perfect and that the way to Nirvana is to continually strive to do better. All this might just be the internal conflict with a Protestant work ethic or some other type of spiritual psycho-babble but the bottom line is that many of our designs get changed, little by little, until they reach a better plateau of use.

But in some cases the new design, while it has its strengths, doesn’t in a definitive way do the job that much better than the preceding design. In the case of our Black Brant designs, I already had a boat that did its job very well. That job was to allow two to three hunters to safely and efficiently hunt. But along came the desire of some of us to travel faster under power in less draft of water, thus was born the new design – the Black Brant III. This boat is simply a shallower draft and faster speed version of the Black Brant design, and if that is what you need, then this is the boat for you. But the difficulty of replacing