江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 开放式
    用途 追踪, 钓鱼运动
    长度宽度 15'01" (4.61 m)X6'01" (1.86 m)
    位置 285 lb (129.27 kg)
    发动机功率 40 ch (40 hp)
    吃水深度 9.75 in


我是设计,修造,并且现在寻找与我自己的鸭子狩猎小船超过20年和,当请求为可能寻找与狗和齿轮的3位猎人的一条更大的告密者箱式小船到来了,我在机会飞跃了。 这是从一个简单的观点,我做了,在,但是与两三额外转弯之前用猎人这样人群更加有效地将做她的狩猎的扩大许多小船。 有一条小船以处理射击者的一个足够大驾驶舱,但是也是重要的使小船的草稿或深度保持向下到极小值准许采取她入shallows是重要的。 我想使用足够的力量飞行与她的小船满载猎人和齿轮和作为仍然保留外形的低落,象可能几乎允许斑背潜鸭使用作为布局小船为低瞎的狩猎情况。

这条小船可能运载超过120个诱饵和那里室相信它或不寻找3位猎人和狗采摘被击倒的鸟。 驾驶舱开头是差不多九和一半脚长和超过4英尺宽。 但是,有足够的旁边甲板至于允许小船放牧和被隐瞒。 全国范围这是最美好和cancelable 3人小船去。 非职业计划是$65美元,并且完成的小船价格开始在$8,495美元。 -- 山姆Devlin


I have been designing, building, and hunting with my own duck hunting boats for more than 20 years now and when the request came along for a bigger Sneak Box-type boat that could hunt 3 hunters with dogs and gear, I leaped on the opportunity. This was from a simple point of view, an enlarging of many boats that I had done before but with a couple of extra twists that would make her hunt more effectively with such a crowd of hunters. It was important to have a boat with a big enough cockpit to handle the shooters but was also important to hold the draft or depth of the boat down to a minimum to allow taking her into the shallows. I wanted to use enough power to plane the boat with her full load of hunters and gear and still keep as low of a profile as possible to almost allow the Scaup to be used as a layout boat for low-blind hunting conditions.

This boat can carry more than 120 decoys and there is room believe it or not to hunt up to 3 hunters and a dog to pick up downed birds. The cockpit opening is almost nine and a half feet long and more than 4 feet wide. But yet there is enough side deck as to allow the boat to be grassed out and concealed. From coast to coast this is the finest and most cancelable 3-person boat going. Amateur plans are $65 dollars and finished boat prices start at $8,495 dollars. -- Sam Devlin