江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 开放式
    用途 追踪, 钓鱼运动
    长度 4.27 m(14'00" )
    宽度 5'01"(1.55 m)
    位置 225 lb(102.06 kg)
    发动机功率 25 ch(25 hp)
    吃水深度 11 in


到目前为止,我们已经建造了超过60艘这样的船,以每艘船大约130小时的建造时间计算,加起来大约有7800个工时的工作时间。让我们看看....,这相当于一个人全职工作近4年的产出。你会认为,在所有这些时间之后,而且我无法计算在沼泽地使用这些船的时间,我们可以想出什么可能只是最典型的,最重要的 "猎鸭船"。对不起,我是否听到背景中的小号声?这艘 "黑布兰特 "真的是一艘很好的鸭子船,任何人都可以考虑。她有几个值得注意的特点,其中第一个是她非常有趣的舷外马达井配置。你看,舷外马达不是装在船尾,而是装在船尾前部约24英寸长的舱壁上。这使得船的操作者比船尾安装舷外机的情况下,可以坐在船的更前面,并允许船尾区域的泡沫浮力在舷外机井两侧的赞助中得到弥补。舷外机本身因为更靠前,所以现在更容易被想象到,而且在头顶上飞过的鸟儿也不能清晰地看到它的位置。



We have by now built well in excess of 60 of these boats and at around 130 hours each building time, that adds up to something like 7,800 man-hours of working time. Let’s see….that equals the output of someone working full time for almost 4 years. You would think that after all that time, and I couldn’t count how many hours spent in the marsh using the boats, that we could come up with what might just be the quintessential, premier “Duck Hunting Boat”. I am sorry, did I hear trumpets playing in the background? Well this “Black Brant” is really a fine Duck Boat under anyone’s consideration. She has several features that are worth noting, the first of which is her very interesting outboard motor well configuration. You see, the outboard motor fits not on the stern of the boat but on a bulkhead that is forward of the back of the boat by about 24 inches in length. This allows the operator of the boat to sit further forward in the boat than would be the case with the outboard mounted on the stern, and allows the foam flotation of the stern area to be made up in the sponsons on either side of the outboard well. The outboard itself since it is further forward is now more conceivable and in a position that the birds flying overhead can’t see it as clearly and distinctly.

There is space to carry up to 6 dozen decoys in the boat and your able dog won’t have much trouble getting back on board with a bird in its mouth. All you need to do is have the dog swim up alongside the cockpit of the boat with the bird in their mouth, and if you place your hand behind its head the dog will place its front paws on the side deck of the boat, push against your hand and pop-up on board.