江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷外
    船体类型 三重管
    用途 滑水, 钓鱼运动
    人数 最多容纳 12 人, 最多容纳 13 人,
    最多容纳 11 人, 最多容纳 10 人,
    最多容纳 9 人
    长度 6.73 m (22'00")


浮船小船是所有关于通用性,并且豪华浮船是没有不同的。您期望能享受无数消遣追求,从巡航和招待到钓鱼和甚而高速水上运动。Sunliner 200提供允诺的楼面布置图,并且确定您的视觉的礼节一份印象深刻的菜单成为现实。您不应该需要买最大的浮船小船为了得到豪华特点,并且Sunliner适用对与好的任命的那个概念在20英尺长的船只。电缆敷设船楼面布置图以在弓的一个初排门,右舷游泳甲板通入在船尾,两个豪华的弓休息室和一个舒适的L形的在船尾的休息室为特色有大可利用的太阳垫的。然后,当然,有水上运动选择。准备好加法包括表现包裹、滑雪衣物柜、将滑雪者拉上山坡的吊索酒吧和定向塔和力量选择。因此您带来启发。我们提供豪华浮船带领进入居住的颜色。


Pontoon boats are all about versatility, and a luxury pontoon is no different. You expect to be able to enjoy a myriad of recreational pursuits, from cruising and entertaining to fishing and even high-speed water sports. The Sunliner 200 provides engaging floor plans and an impressive menu of amenities to make sure your vision becomes reality. You shouldn’t need to buy the largest pontoon boat in order to get luxury features and the Sunliner holds true to that concept with nice appointments on a 20-foot long watercraft. The CS floor plan features a walk-through gate in the bow, starboard swim-deck access at the stern, two plush bow lounges and a comfortable L-shaped aft lounge with large available sun pad. And then, of course, there are the water sports options. Ready additions include performance packages, ski lockers, ski tow bars and pylons, and an array of power options. So you bring the inspiration. We’ll provide the luxury pontoon to bring into living color.