江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    发动机燃料 电动
    人数 最多容纳 9 人
    长度 4.72 m (15'05")


冒险从我们初级的党小船开始,带来家庭和朋友。 16CS用象三个入口便利的佳在类特点装备,二滑口袋门,使它容易访问和安全为在您的家庭的小孩子。 另一个巨大特点是九的就座,因此您可以肯定您将有足够的室享受您的与了不起的朋友的工艺,并且您爱的那个。

周道的设计是您逐渐期望ElectraCraft的事。 我们合并了存贮抽屉和一谨慎,但是惊奇地得心应手,垃圾容器入船上厨房。 时髦的舵是16CS内部的重点。 设计安置所有控制,舵特点一个有启发性仪器工作盘区,任意海洋伴音系统选择,以及一个习惯被制作的服务海岛。 这个固定空间救星雅致地容纳服务板材、饮料,丙烯酸酯的stemware和更多的一个列阵。

ElectracraftSeated在船尾,上尉在所有交谈被浸没,考虑到您重要他人的亲热直接地在您旁边安装。 宽敞船上厨房,上尉的右舷,为侧门提供一个通畅的段落。



The adventure begins with our entry-level party boat, which brings family and friends together. The 16CS is equipped with best-in-class features like the convenience of three entrances, two of which are sliding pocket doors, making it easily accessible and safer for the little ones in your family. Another great feature is seating for nine, so you can be sure that you’ll have enough room to enjoy your craft with great friends, and the ones you love.

Thoughtful design is something you’ll come to expect from ElectraCraft. We’ve incorporated storage drawers and a discreet, but surprisingly handy, trash receptacle into the galley. The stylish helm is the focal point of the 16CS interior. Designed to house all controls,the helm features an illuminated instrumentation panel, optional marine sound system choices, as well as a custom crafted service island. This built-in space saver tastefully accommodates an array of serving plates, beverages, acrylic stemware and more.

ElectracraftSeated aft, the captain is immersed in all conversation, yet allows for the intimacy of your significant other to be seated directly beside you. The spacious galley, starboard of the captain, offers an unobstructed passage to the side entrance.

Together with the same fine craftsmanship and reliability of our other ElectraCraft CS models, our lifetime limited warranties are just the beginning of how we deliver on our promise of lasting quality.