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    发动机类型 舷内
    发动机燃料 电动
    用途 钓鱼运动
    长度 7.92 m (25'11")


这艘大浮船为家庭,钓鱼,招待朋友或者巡航是伟大的在湖、河或者intracoastals。这些是起点您许多乐趣甲板或Fisher经验。采取仔细的审视在新的以多血症礼节为特色的ElectroCat FunDeck或Fisher包括美丽的玻璃纤维浮船。所有ElectroCats有发出光线提供三倍常规铝浮船的范围的同一个马达、电池和位移的高效率的浮船。(测试和证明)看见下面这些船身照片。礼节包括体育方向盘、AM/FM立体音响系统、一个12伏特出口充电的手机,优质被布置的就座与大量饮料持有人,大上尉可翻起的凹背单人座位与幻灯片自转和自转调整,9 ft sunbrella bimini与变动室帷幕。ElectroCat以培养并且降低马达11英寸,准许保留推进器在适当的深度并且提供浅水区驱动的一扇遥控气窗,在ElectroCats的标准为特色。


This large pontoon is great for families, fishing, entertaining friends or cruising on lakes, rivers or intracoastals. These are just the beginnings of your many Fun- Deck or Fisher experiences. Take a close look at the new ElectroCat FunDeck or Fisher featuring a plethora of amenities including the beautiful fiberglass pontoons. All ElectroCats have Ray efficient pontoons which provide three times the range of conventional aluminum pontoons for the same motor, batteries and displacement. (Tested and Proven) See photo of these hulls below. Amenities include a sport steering wheel, AM/FM stereo system, a 12 volt outlet for charging a cell phone, premium upholstered seating with plenty of beverage holders, large captains bucket seat with slide rotation and rotation adjustments, 9 ft sunbrella bimini with change room curtain.The ElectroCat features a remote controlled transom which raises and lowers the motor 11 inches, allows keeping propeller at proper depth and provides shallow water drive, standard on ElectroCats.