江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 开放式, 侧边控制台
    人数 最多容纳 10 人
    甲板布置 日光浴, 柚木甲板
    长度宽度 6.2 m (20'04")X2.6 m (8'06")
    发动机功率 115 ch, 200 ch (115 hp)
    吃水深度 0.25 m (0'09")
    燃料容量 82 l (22 gal)


凭借其创新和美观的设计,我们的Sea Max 620甲板艇为您提供了一个宽敞和舒适的快艇。这艘快艇,以浮桥船的风格设计了一个大的内部空间,是同类船中最宽和最平衡的船之一,有2.60米--远远超过其竞争对手。船身前部的深V设计可以轻松地穿过波浪,给人以柔和轻松的感觉,而较大的后部船身则可以实现最大的稳定性。我们使用最高质量的复合材料来生产这艘船,不使用任何木质加固材料。由于使用了复合材料,这艘船与市场上的其他船相比,更坚固,更轻。我们的Sea Max 620甲板船可容纳10+1名乘客,使其成为理想的水上运动拖船、运动钓鱼船,甚至是游船。


With its innovative and aesthetically pleasing design, our Sea Max 620 Deck Boat offers you a spacious and comfortable speedboat. This speedboat, designed with a large interior space in the style of a pontoon boat, is one of the widest and most balanced boats in its class, with 2.60m – much more than its competitors. The Deep V designed on the front of the boat easily cuts through waves giving a soft and relaxed ride, whilst the larger rear body allows maximum stability. We use the highest quality composite materials in the production of this boat, and do not use any wooden reinforcement materials. Thanks to the use of composite materials, this boat is much more robust and lighter compared to other boats on the market. Our Sea Max 620 Deck Boat has a capacity of 10 + 1 passengers, making it ideal for use as a water sports tow boat, sports fishing boat, or even a pleasure boat.