江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    发动机类型 舷外, 舷内
    引擎数量 双引擎
    甲板布局 双控制台, Bow Rider, 开放式
    用途 滑水
    推动力 尾机驱动
    人数 最多容纳 14 人
    甲板布置 日光浴, 柚木甲板, T形顶篷
    长度宽度 9.44 m (30'11")X3.05 m (10'00")
    位置 5,126 kg (11,300.9 lb)
    发动机功率 600 ch, 700 ch, 760 ch, 860 ch (600 hp)
    燃料容量 537 l (142 gal)


这个模型的特点是一个坚实的桃花心木和不锈钢点缀的舵手和整个柚木装饰。在Launch 31 GT上登船很容易,有一个穿透式的横梁和侧门通道。船主可以选择用一个集成的全光谱照明系统来照亮船,该系统可以协调船内和水下的多个区域的照明,所有这些都可以通过Garmin玻璃驾驶舱显示器来控制。

这个模型的特点是一个实心桃花心木和不锈钢点缀的舵手和整个柚木装饰。 GT系列最突出的特点之一是可以选择立体驱动或舷外推进,使其真正可以根据船东的需要进行定制。在Launch 31 GT上登船很容易,有一个穿透式的横梁和侧门通道。船主可以选择用一个集成的全光谱照明系统来照亮船,该系统可以协调船内和水下的多个区域的照明,所有这些都可以通过Garmin玻璃驾驶舱显示器来控制。

水星 - 按钮式启动


3年 - Chris-Craft保护计划

5年 - 可转让的船体/结构质保

船首防擦板 - SS

认证和标准 - NMMA, ABYC, USCG

颜色选择 - 靴子条纹 - 多种颜色可选



甲板 - 菱形图案防滑,玻璃纤维

旗子/旗帜 - 绣有Chris-Craft和美国国旗的套件,带SS磁力杆和底座

炮口装饰板 - 模制的PVC和SS插件

硬件 - 船头和船尾的眼睛,SS

硬件 - 船首灯罩,SS




This model features a solid mahogany and stainless-steel accented helm and teak accents throughout. Boarding is easy on the Launch 31 GT with a walkthrough transom and side door access. Owners can choose to light up the boat with an integrated full spectrum lighting system that coordinates multiple zones of lighting both in the boat and below the water, all controlled via the Garmin Glass Cockpit Display.

Customized to You.
This model features a solid mahogany and stainless-steel accented helm and teak accents throughout. One of the most defining features of the GT line is the option to choose between sterndrive or outboard propulsion, making it truly customizable to the owner’s needs. Boarding is easy on the Launch 31 GT with a walkthrough transom and side door access. Owners can choose to light up the boat with an integrated full spectrum lighting system that coordinates multiple zones of lighting both in the boat and below the water, all controlled via the Garmin Glass Cockpit Display.

Mercury - Push Button Start

Teak Caulk Color Choice – black or blonde

3 Yr - Chris-Craft protection plan

5 Yr - transferable hull/structural warranty

Bow Scuff Plate - SS

Certifications and Standards - NMMA, ABYC, USCG

Color Selections - boot stripe - multiple color selections

Color Selections - base gel, Ivory Cream

Deck Fill Plates - SS

Deck - diamond pattern non-skid, fiberglass

Flag/Pennant - embroidered Chris-Craft and US Flag kit w/SS magnetic pole and base

Gunnel Trim Rubrail - molded PVC w/SS insert

Hardware - bow and stern eyes, SS

Hardware - bow light cover, SS

Hardware - chrome plated SS fasteners

Hardware - cleats, SS mooring