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    发动机类型 舷内
    发动机燃料 电动
    甲板布局 Bow Rider
    材料 木质
    风格 传统型
    长度宽度 7.9 m (25'11")X2.5 m (8'02")
    发动机功率 150 kW (203.9 hp)


Marian M 800 Spyder是我们成功的旗舰产品的船首版。我们的游艇设计师为这艘革命性的电动游艇提供了首屈一指的新甲板设计。在前甲板的区域,创造了一个额外的座位和躺着的可能性,可以直接进入,这大大扩展了空间。这是造船业的另一个里程碑,它完美地补充了玛丽安船队。


在Marian M 800 Spyder中,精确性与优雅性以及对空间的最佳利用相结合。高质量的材料,如特别挑选的皮革,经过完美的加工,第一眼就传达出极高的质量标准,这是Marian游艇和他们不同寻常的设计的必然要求。


每一艘Marian M 800 Spyder都是完全按照客户的要求手工制作的。颜色、设备、材料以及所有的改装和装置都可以单独选择。无论它是由精细的配件或高质量的柚木制成 - 每辆Marian M 800 Spyder都像它未来的主人一样独特。


Marian M 800 Spyder是设计和驾驶动力的极致。专为该系列开发的船体保证了最大的效率和航程,新设计的前甲板扩大了可用空间,强大的驱动技术和最新的锂电池使驾驶体验始终令人印象深刻。


The Marian M 800 Spyder is the bowrider version of our successful flagship. Our boat designers have given the revolutionary electric yacht a new deck design that is second to none. In the area of ​​the foredeck, an additional seating and lying possibility with direct access has been created, which considerably extends the space. Another milestone in boat building has been set that perfectly complements the Marian fleet.

Noble and exclusive - in materials and styling

In the Marian M 800 Spyder, precision meets elegance and optimal use of space. The high-quality materials, such as specially selected leather, are perfectly processed and at first glance convey the extremely high quality standard that is a matter of course for Marian yachts and their unusual design.

The finest in elegance and performance

Every Marian M 800 Spyder is always handcrafted exactly according to the customer’s requirements. The color, equipment, materials and all conversions and fixtures can be individually selected. Regardless of whether it is made of fine fittings or high-quality teak – every Marian M 800 Spyder is as unique as its future owner.

Design that breaks new ground

The Marian M 800 Spyder is the ultimate in design and driving dynamics. The hull specially developed for the series guarantees maximum efficiency and range, the newly designed front deck extends the space available, and the driving experience is always impressive thanks to powerful drive technology and the latest lithium batteries.