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    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 开放式
    长度 6.1 m (20'00")


Sting 610 DC是一艘实用的日巡游艇,拥有充足的空间,确保你在海上度过的时间是愉快的、轻松的和享受的。对于610 DC,我们把重点放在驾驶舱的空间上,利用宽大的船体。在船舱内,重点是创造一个足够大的空间,让你可以过夜或两晚。Sting 610 DC的两个显著特点是挡风玻璃更靠近船头,使驾驶舱内有更多的空间。此外,驾驶舱内有一个大而舒适的U型沙发,并有存储空间。沙发可以很容易地转变为日光浴床和休息室。Sting 610 DC的船头很宽,有一个实用的入口。高高的船浆让你在从码头或海边进入船时有一个很好的抓地力,这让儿童和成人更容易上船。挡风玻璃中央的舱门可以安全、方便地进入驾驶舱。在驾驶舱内,驾驶座可以在水平和垂直位置上移动和锁定(座椅可以旋转360度)。从驾驶座上看去,视野很好,当你需要对周围发生的事情有一个额外的了解时,你可以利用延伸的座垫,将其向上倾斜。你还可以很容易地接触到发动机仪表和融合音响。在船舱内,你会发现灯的开关在船舱门的右舷。船舱可以容纳两个成年人睡觉,或者在较冷的日子里,或者在晚上从较长的日间旅行返回时,作为儿童的检索空间空间,效果很好。船舱也很适合一日游,而且很容易将行李从船舱的大门前移入和移出。


Sting 610 DC is a practial daycruiser with plenty of space, making sure that the time you spend on the sea is pleasant, easy and enjoyable. With the 610 DC, we have given focus to the space in the cockpit, making use of the wide hull. Inside the cabin, emphasis has been on creating a large enough space for you to take an overnight stay or two. Two of Sting 610 DC's distinct features are the windscreen which is placed closer to the bow enabling more space in the cockpit. Furthermore, the cockpit contains a large and comfortable U-shaped couch with storage space. The couch can easily be transformed into a sunbed and lounge. The bow of the Sting 610 DC is wide and with a practical entrance. The high pulpits give you a good grip when entrying the boat from the pier or seaside, which makes it easier for children and adults to get on board. The hatch in the center of the windscreen enables safe and easy access to the cockpit. In the Cockpit, the driver's seat can be moved and locked both in a horizontal as well as vertical position (the seat can turned 360 degrees). The overview from the drivers seat is good, and you can make us of the extended seat cushion by tilting it up when you need an extra overview of whats happening around you. You also have easy access to engine instrumentation and Fusion stereos. Inside the cabin you will find the light switch on the starboard side of the cabin door. The cabin accommodates two adults for sleeping, or works well as a retrieval space space for children during colder days or when returning at night from longer day trips. The cabin also works well for day trips and it is easy to move luggage in and out of the boat the large cabin door.