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    发动机类型 舷外
    船体类型 半排水体
    甲板布局 舵手室
    用途 钓鱼运动
    材料 木质
    风格 传统型
    长度宽度 6.59 m (21'07")X7'01" (2.16 m)
    位置 3,290 lb (1,492.32 kg)
    发动机功率 65 ch (65 hp)
    吃水深度 17 in


Devlin Dunlin 22开始是袖珍工作船Godzilli 16的较大版本。在萨姆完成后,他将这艘船扩展为两种配置,这两种配置都可以为你提供你在这种尺寸的船上所希望的所有工作和娱乐。邓林22号有一个60马力的大推力舷外机和一个非常坚固的结构,可以用来进行广泛的追求。船舱设计有充足的头部空间,有加热炉,有双人床,有可放置便盆的储物空间,有厨房台面,它也可以作为工作结束后放松的舒适场所。关于这个多功能工作船的细节和想法,请看下面。

邓林22朝向室版本有研究报告和完整的施工图。 别忘了看看邓林22巡洋舰的研究和建造计划。




The Devlin Dunlin 22 began as a larger version of the pocket workhorse Godzilli 16. After Sam was finished, he expanded the boat into two configurations, both of which can provide you with all the work and play you could want in a boat this size. With a 60hp high thrust outboard and a very strong structure, the Dunlin 22 can be used for a wide range of pursuits. With a cabin designed for plenty of headroom, a heating stove, a double berth, stowaway space for a porta-potty, and a galley counter, it can also serve as a comfortable place to relax after the work is done. For the details and thought that went into this versatile workhorse, see below.

The Dunlin 22 Pilothouse version is available in study and full construction plans. And don’t forget to take a look at the Dunlin 22 Cruiser version study and construction plans.

Whether you’re fishing for mackerel or cedar logs, giving a tow or taking it easy, as the world seems to get wetter there’s much to be said for a capable little motor cruiser with a warm wheelhouse.

Act One: It was a very cold November morning at my home on Puget Sound, here in the Pacific Northwest. Calm now but the night before, we had experienced quite a lively storm with lots of wind and rain and my little yard tugboat Godzilli awaiting me patiently for the day’s adventures. Looking about after these early winter storms, quite often one can find some good cedar logs – really trees – that have been washed down off the low banks of the bay and they are almost always free for the taking. Some pretty good timber can be had from the beach salvage of these logs and I gathered up my youngest son, Mackenzie, – aged 19 at the time