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    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 中央控制台, 开放式
    用途 钓鱼运动
    材料 铝制
    人数 最多容纳 8 人
    甲板布置 日光浴
    长度宽度 8.1 m (26'06")X2.55 m (8'04")
    发动机功率 200 ch, 300 ch, 350 ch (200 hp)
    燃料容量 300 l (79 gal)
    淡水容量 100 l (26 gal)


Cancelli 25 Walkaround是一个混合型渔船,将适航性和整体性能与舒适的甲板结合起来。这一特点可以满足任何船主的要求,甚至是最难取悦的人。这种船可以用于娱乐或捕鱼,提供一个舒适和宽阔的甲板,在海边度过一天。


Cancelli 25 Walkaround的设计注重船上的舒适性:甲板足够宽,可以在船尾创造一个日光浴区,它有一个60厘米的通道,使驾驶舱容易到达。


另一项创新是 "G-Top "屋顶,它由一个持续的弧形管和一个金属板焊接而成,可用作灯光或仪器的底座。 在船尾的入口处有一个梯子,"步行区 "包括甲板室,可以在上面安装舒适的枕头来创造一个日光浴甲板。船尾有一个装着锚的水密隔间。通过一个60厘米的门,可以进入甲板室,里面有一张160x180厘米的床,下面可以放置船上的设备和行李。


Cancelli 25 Walkaround is a combined fisherman that mixes seaworthiness and overall performances with a comfortable deck. This feature can satisfy any ship owner’s require, even the hardest to please. This kind of boat can be used for recreation or fishing purpose, providing a comfortable and wide deck to pass a day at the seaside.

The stable hull allows to return to the port in any sea or weather condition; it is made with Marine Aluminium Grade resistant to corrosion and it is composed by watertight compartments with polystyrene bouncy reserves in order to make the boat unsinkable.

Cancelli 25 Walkaround is designed with attention to the comfort on board: the deck is wide enough to create a sunbath zone at stern and it is provided with a 60cm passage that makes the cockpit easy reachable;

The Bolster - the pilot's seat (also provided with safe shackles) - can contain a fridge and it is really useful as pilot's seatback. The console is completely customizable and the instrumentation is really well-placed to ensure a comfortable driving position.

Another innovation is the "G-Top" roof realised with a continued curved tube and welded with a metal sheet that can be used as a base for lights or instruments. At Stern entrance there is a ladder and the "walkorund zone" includes the deckhouse upon which is possible to install comfortable pillows to create a sunbath deck. The stern ends with a watertight compartment containing the anchor. Through a 60cm door it is possible to enter into the deckhouse with a 160x180 cm bed under which is possible to place an on-board equipment and baggage.