江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    发动机类型 舷外
    引擎数量 双引擎
    甲板布局 中央控制台, 舵手室
    用途 钓鱼运动
    人数 最多容纳 12 人
    长度宽度 8.9 m (29'02")X3 m (9'10")
    发动机功率 70 ch (70 hp)


为新码头的蒂姆和科琳-哈里森设计和建造的'3 Fishes'是一艘加长的8.5米,3米宽的船,并安装了小型的6米系列轮机舱,使其成为一个完全可行走的钓鱼平台。她有两个铃木70马力的舷外机,巡航速度为20节,可搭载12名乘客从新码头出海钓鱼。在船头的中央舵手室前方提供了内置的乘客座位,通过船尾甲板上的同伴通道可以直接进入。甲板上的背对背长椅提供了额外的遮蔽座位。甲板上还设有一个活饵站。
"我们对'3 Fishes'的结果非常满意。我确信她将成为我们企业和更广泛的社区的资产,因为她在今年夏天开始实现她的建设目标,为所有人提供可持续的、低环境影响的、低成本的海钓;"


‘3 Fishes’ designed and built for Tim and Corinne Harrison of New Quay is an extended 8.5m with a 3m beam and has been fitted with the small 6m series wheelhouse enabling a fully walkaround fishing platform. With twin Suzuki 70hp outboards she has a cruise speed of 20 knots and is coded to carry up to 12 passengers on sea fishing trips from New Quay. Inbuilt passenger seating is provided forward of the central wheelhouse on the bow with a straightforward access via companionways from the aft deck. Additional sheltered seating is provided by back to back benches on the deck. The deck also features a live bait station.
Tim, a pro bass guide and feature writer on sea bass fishing for Sea Angler Magazine comments:
“We are more than pleased with the way ‘3 Fishes’ has turned out. I am sure that she will be an asset to both our business and the wider community as she starts to deliver her build purpose this summer by providing sustainable, low environmental impact, low cost sea fishing for all;”