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    发动机类型 舷外
    引擎数量 双引擎
    甲板布局 封闭式驾驶舱
    用途 钓鱼运动
    长度宽度 7.9 m (25'11")X2.7 m (8'10")
    燃料容量 130 l (34 gal)


渔民Gerald Statham和Mike Deem一直在努力完成整个Cheetah系列。这两个捕鱼伙伴最初在去年夏末买了一艘二手的6.2米猎豹,想看看双体船与单体船相比是否名副其实。

在三个月内,他们将尺寸扩大到6.9米,并向Cheetah Marine下单购买新的7.9米Cheetah。Gerald和Mike来到Cheetah船厂领取他们的新猎豹号,并驾驶它向西行驶了93英里到达Exmouth。两人都对7.9米猎豹在回程中的燃油经济性感到高兴,在3500转时平均速度为18节,总共使用了130升燃油。杰拉尔德说:"她绝对是个好姑娘,表现得非常出色,特别是当我们在波特兰附近遇到不愉快的海面时。

蓝水 "号将被用于商业性的钓竿和钓线,其行程远至海峡群岛。本地捕鱼通常是在离岸30英里的沉船上和莱姆湾。



Fishermen Gerald Statham and Mike Deem have been working their way through the entire Cheetah series. The two fishing partners originally bought a second hand 6.2m Cheetah at the end of last summer to see if catamarans lived up to their reputation compared to monohulls.

Within three months, they upsized to a 6.9m and placed an order with Cheetah Marine for a new 7.9m Cheetah. Gerald and Mike arrived at the Cheetah yard to collect their new Cheetah and drive her the 93 miles west to Exmouth. Both were delighted with the fuel economy of the 7.9m on the return voyage which averaged 18 knots at 3500 revs and used a total of 130 litres of fuel. Gerald comments ‘she was absolutely fantastic, performed brilliantly especially when we encountered unpleasant seas off of Portland’

‘Bluewater’ will be used for commercial rod and lining with trips as far afield as the Channel Islands. Local fishing will typically be to wrecks up to 30 miles offshore and in Lyme Bay.

The 7.9m features the long wheelhouse model. The wheelhouse is long enough to accommodate 4 anglers on a trip whilst also providing a good sized working deck. Top speeds achieved during seatrials from Cheetahs base on the Isle of Wight were in excess of 30 knots with good speeds achieved running at low revs. Gerald reports excellent fuel consumption figures with average usage of 84 litres over 50 – 60 miles.