江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷外
    甲板布局 中央控制台
    用途 滑水, 钓鱼运动
    人数 最多容纳 6 人
    船舱数量 带驾驶室
    床位数量 双铺位
    甲板布置 日光浴
    长度 8.05 m (26'04")


Enduro 805适用与游览,钓鱼当水上运动。这条小船船身为更多速度和挑战适应。它非常适航。伟大的灵活性。这是负担支付所有您的需要的小船。大驾驶舱为一切设计从潜水,对晴朗的旅行的体育运动垂钓。塔尔加被设计,以便容易的渔夫能在有那里渔具的小船附近也移动。Spacy客舱。塔尔加台架被修建了,以便钓鱼者能移动关于小船,无需挡钓鱼的工具的路。伟大的适航性。船身是新开发和现代的。除大速度潜力以外我们也将突出船身特别通用性当谈到引擎。这条小船很好执行与200 HP单位,但是可能处理引擎2 x 200 Hps,也是


The Enduro 805 is just as well suited for tours, fishing as water sports. The hull of this boat is adapted for more speed and challenges. It is very seaworthy.Great flexibility. This is the boat that covers all your needs. The large cockpit is designed for everything from diving, sports fishing to sunny trips. The Targa is designed so that also fisherman easy can move around the boat with there fishing gear.Spacy cabin. The Targa gantry has been constructed so that the angler can move about the boat without getting in the way of the fishing tools.Great seaworthiness. The hull is newly developed and modern. Besides a large speed potential we will also highlight the hull special versatility when it comes to engines. This boat performs well with a 200 HP unit, but can handle engines up to 2 x 200 Hps, too