江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    发动机类型 舷外
    引擎数量 四引擎
    甲板布局 中央控制台
    用途 钓鱼运动, 近海
    材料 玻璃纤维
    船舱数量 带驾驶室
    甲板布置 日光浴, T形顶篷
    长度 41'03" (12.59 m)


体验稳压器 41 的功能,以满足您的每一个离岸需求。 集成的环绕挡风玻璃在掌舵时提供更多的保护,而船尾夹层座椅带准备和钓具中心和顶部 SureShade® 可提供额外的驾驶舱座椅,而不会影响钓鱼设施。 方便的塔楼通道使双掌舵更具吸引力,在甲板下方,客舱设有厨房、双泊位和带淋浴的宽敞头部,让您轻松接待朋友和家人。 严肃的垂钓者一定会喜欢可选的 Taco® 大满贯 500 杆底座,配有 20 英尺碳纤维伸缩杆和巨大的生活井和鱼箱容量。 由雅马哈全新四通道 XF425 发动机提供动力,加上 Seakeeper® 5 稳定系统的额外稳定性,41 是您在豪华运动员中所想要的一切。



玻璃纤维 T 形顶部,带冲浪板边缘、电子箱、导航/码头照明、伸展器灯和多色 LED 灯-配有带通风口和挡风玻璃雨刮器/洗衣机的集成环绕挡风玻璃,以及内置于船尾支架的火箭发射器框架
工厂安装 Garmin® 海上 41 封装:三重 17 英寸 GPSMAP® 8617 多点触摸宽屏地图仪/声纳显示器、带 8 英寸数字甚高频天线的甚高 215 AIS 无线电、GMR™ 1224 xHD2 12kW 开放阵列雷达、带宽波束 1kW CHIRP 探头的航空器的航空器、反应器、反应器、反应器、反应器和反应器、反应器线式自动导航仪,加上黑色暗装电子面和麦克风重定位套件
嵌入式开关面板,带不锈钢 LED 按钮开关
Ritchie® 蓝色面部超级运输指南针
雅马哈 CL7™ 触摸屏显示屏(控制台和塔式)


Experience the Regulator 41 with features to meet your every offshore need. The integrated wraparound windshield offers more protection at the helm, while the aft mezzanine seat with prep & tackle center and overhead SureShade® provide additional cockpit seating without compromising fishing amenities. Easy tower access makes the dual helm even more attractive, and, below deck, the cabin features galley kitchen, double berth, and spacious head with shower, allowing you to accommodate friends and family with ease. Serious anglers will love the optional Taco® Grand Slam 500 outrigger bases with 20’ Carbon Fiber telescoping poles and huge livewell and fishbox capacity. Powered by Yamaha’s all-new quad XF425 engines, with the added stability of the Seakeeper® 5 stabilization system, the 41 is everything you’ve ever wanted in a luxury sportfisher.



Fiberglass T-Top with Surfboard Edges, Electronics Box, Navigation/Dock Lighting, Spreader Lights, and Multi-Colored LED Lights –Complete with Integrated Wraparound Windshield with Vent and Windshield Wiper/Washer, plus Rocket Launchers built into Aft Support Frame
White Powder Coat Package
Factory-Installed Garmin® Offshore 41 Package: Triple 17’’ GPSMAP® 8617 Multi-Touch Widescreen Chartplotter/Sonar Displays, VHF 215 AIS Radio with 8’ Digital VHF Antenna, GMR™ 1224 xHD2 12kW Open-Array Radar, Airmar® B275LHW with Wide Beam 1kW CHIRP Transducer, and Reactor Steer-by-Wire Autopilot, Plus Black Flushmount Electronics Face and Mic Relocation Kit
Recessed Switch Panel with Stainless LED Push Button Switches
Ritchie® Blue Face SuperSport Compass
Yamaha CL7™ Touchscreen Display (Console & Tower)