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    发动机类型 舷内
    发动机燃料 柴油机
    甲板布局 封闭式驾驶舱
    用途 钓鱼运动
    人数 最多容纳 8 人
    船舱数量 带驾驶室
    甲板布置 日光浴
    长度宽度 6.92 m (22'08")X2.65 m (8'08")
    位置 1,750 kg (3,858.09 lb)
    发动机功率 150 ch, 270 ch (150 hp)
    吃水深度 0.83 m (2'08")


致力于捕鱼,OSTREA 700pilotehouse是OCQUETEAU公司典型的内燃机船,利用了该船厂在该领域50多年的经验。




.IFH 真空灌注玻璃纤维木材和蜂窝状船体。



如果没有驾驶室周围完全平坦的甲板和高自由度,即使在波涛汹涌的海面上也能保证安全,如果没有IFH*船体的无与伦比的坚固性,那么它出色的航海能力就无从谈起。有了OSTREA 700内燃机,你将更经常地、全年地、安全而舒适地出海。钓鱼舵手的这些基本素质被赋予了神圣的使命。

在200马力或270马力的UNLIMITED版本中,其船载柴油机的功率和扭矩确保了28和高达33节的速度。足够的性能,他知道如何以最经济的方式完成。它的加速能力超过了市场上所有相同功率的舷外机(200 CV版本从0到20节只需6.5秒)......更不用说在实践中的巡航速度了,特别是在海面上的时候,由于其船体的质量和其内燃机轴驱动结构,巡航速度在很大程度上更胜一筹。最后,由于IFH技术的轻盈和其最新一代涡轮柴油发动机的节制,其消耗量堪称典范。

无论是专业渔民、运动渔民还是热爱大海的享乐主义者,你都能在OSTREA 700中找到你所期望的真正的渔船舵手。


Devoted to fishing, the OSTREA 700pilotehouse is a typical inboard fishing motor boat from OCQUETEAU and capitalises on the 50-year plus experience of the shipyard in this sector.

Maybe the best fishing boat of its class ! Judge by yourself:

. Inboard high pressure turbo diesel engine up to 270 HP;

. Full walk-around flat deck;

. IFH Vaccum infused fiberglass wood and honeycomb hull;

. Four seats and two berth pilothouse;

. Elected boat of the year by french MoteurBoat Magazine.

Its excellent sea abilities would be nothing without its totally flat deck around the pilothouse and its high freeboard, that provides safety even in rough seas, nor without its IFH * hull to the unparalleled robustness. With the OSTREA 700 inboard you will go out more often, all year long, safely and comfortably. These essential qualities for a fishing helmsman were consecrated

In 200 hp or 270 hp UNLIMITED versions, the power and torque of its inboard diesel engine ensure 28 and up to 33 knots. Sufficient performance that he knows how to accomplish the most economically possible. Its accelerations surpass all the outboard of the market of the same power (6.5 seconds from 0 to 20 knots in version 200 CV) ... Not to mention a cruising speed largely superior in practice, in particular as soon as the sea is formed , thanks to the qualities of its hull and its inboard shaft drive architecture. And finally, exemplary consumption thanks to the lightness of IFH technology and the sobriety of its latest-generation turbo-diesel engines

Professional fisherman, sport fisherman or hedonist in love with the sea, you will find in the OSTREA 700 all that you expect from an authentic fishing helmsman.