江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    发动机类型 舷内
    引擎数量 双引擎
    甲板布局 双控制台
    材料 铝制
    船舱数量 带驾驶室
    风格 游艇小舢板
    甲板布置 日光浴
    长度 12.8 m (41'11")


如果你喜欢原来的 VQ43,你会被 Mk2 版本惊讶。 简单地说,我们已经采取了使 VQ43 如此成功的所有属性,并达到了更高的齿轮! 从外观到性能,设施到功能,VQ43 Mk2 将吹走你... 当然,在完全舒适!
的新设计引人注目的新设计是由 Guido de Groot 创造的,他再次抓住了 Vanquish 驾驶员的船理念的精髓,因为只有他知道如何。 圭多从他以前的 VQ48 工作中汲取了灵感,你可以感觉到 VQ43 Mk2 是更广泛和更高。 她有一个严重宽敞的内部与全天花板高度的客舱和浴室/头部。
Mk2 还有一个更大的厨房,也是由 Guido de Groot 和他的团队开发的内饰的一部分。 其结果是一个高品质的体验,包括豪华家具和可丽亚台面设计师水龙头。 宽敞的休息区是室内放松的理想场所,而在走廊周围的深处散步使 VQ43 Mk2 对于有小孩的家庭来说非常安全。
注意的其他新功能是一个额外的喷雾轨道,使 VQ43 Mk2 成为 “最干燥” 的开放船当今市场上进行。 此外,智能布置可在所有速度下提供阴影,而且 bimini 现在是设计的一个组成部分,与船的整体外观对齐。 这款令人敬畏的 43 页脚还配备了与 Raymarine 电子专家密切合作开发的智能 Domotics 系统。 这使您的所有船上设施之间能够轻松地进行数字切换。


Moving up a gear
If you loved the original VQ43, you’re going to be amazed by the Mk2 version. Put simply, we’ve taken all the attributes that made the VQ43 such a success and gone up to an even higher gear! From looks to performance, facilities to features, the VQ43 Mk2 is will blow you away…. In complete comfort of course!
Striking new design
The striking new design was created by Guido de Groot, who has again captured the essence of the Vanquish driver’s boat philosophy as only he knows how. Guido took inspiration from his previous work on the VQ48 and you can feel that the VQ43 Mk2 is much wider and higher. She has a seriously spacious interior with full ceiling height in the cabin and bathroom/head.
The Mk2 also has a much larger galley, part of an interior that was also developed by Guido de Groot and his team. The result is a top-quality experience including luxury furnishings and Corian worktops with designer taps. A large lounge area fore is a great place to relax indoors while the deep walk around gangways make the VQ43 Mk2 exceptionally safe for families with young children.
Extra new features
Other new features of note are an extra spray rail which has made the VQ43 Mk2 the ‘driest’ open boat when underway on the market today. In addition, a smart arrangement provides shade at all speeds and the bimini is now an integral part of the design, aligned to the overall looks of the boat. This awesome 43-footer is also equipped with a smart domotics system developed in close cooperation with the electronics experts at Raymarine. This enables easy digital switching between all your on board facilities.