江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    发动机类型 舷外
    引擎数量 三引擎
    甲板布局 中央控制台
    用途 钓鱼运动
    船舱数量 带驾驶室
    甲板布置 日光浴, T形顶篷
    长度宽度 36'00" (10.97 m)X11'00" (3.35 m)
    位置 18,000 lb (8,164.66 kg)
    发动机功率 1,200 ch (1,200 hp)
    吃水深度 25.75 in
    燃料容量 382 gal


全新的368指挥官是海狐家族的新旗舰。在36'LOA和11'0 "梁,368指挥官有一个尖锐的23度斜度来处理最粗糙的水条件。3 "复合横梁可以容纳三艘雅马哈F300s、F350s或双F425s。船体采用注入式层压工艺,是海狐系列中的第一种。泡沫填充的支柱模具是一个野兽,在整个船体上有大量的粘合点,以确保在任何天气条件下的稳固行驶。

像所有的海狐船一样,368的设计是为了在船头区域的舒适性,其扩展的多人控制台前的躺椅,并有多维的垫子,以达到最终的舒适。驾驶舱是一个严重的渔民的梦想,拥有两个50加仑的水族箱活水井,也是加压的 - 0%的空气,100%的水。四个在地板上的鱼舱和一个更大的冷冻板存储设施,位于横梁墙,以保持任何所需的温度的诱饵,食品和饮料。三层舵手座椅坐得很高,可以看到四周的情况,全玻璃围栏使船员在任何天气条件下都保持干燥。

368 指挥官标准
11 锚/杆套件 - 22磅的锚,15英尺的链条和200英尺的绳子
锚 - 贯穿船体的辘轳系统(在舵手和船头有控制装置),不锈钢防潮板和锚辊
电池 - (5或6个)船用电池(取决于选项/电机)
电池 - 充电器(2)(3组)(40安培)。
舱底泵(4) - 1100 GPH (1) 1500 GPH (3)
船舱 - 5英寸厚的弹簧床垫(6英尺6英寸)
船舱 - 带SST水龙头的陶瓷碗水槽


The all new 368 Commander is the new flagship of the Sea Fox family. At 36’ LOA and 11’0” beam, the 368 Commander has a sharp 23 degree deadrise to handle the roughest water conditions. The 3” composite transom can hold either triple Yamaha F300s, F350s or twin F425s. The hull has an infused lamination process and the first of its kind in the Sea Fox line up. The foam filled stringer mold is a beast with massive bonding points throughout the hull to ensure a solid ride in any weather condition.

Like all Sea Fox boats, the 368 is designed for comfort in the bow area with its extended multi-person front of console lounger and has multi-dimensional cushions for the ultimate in comfort. The cockpit is a serious fisherman’s dream boasting twin 50 gallon aquarium live-wells that are also pressurized – 0% air, 100% water. Four in the floor fish holds and a larger freezer plate storage facility located across the transom wall to keep bait, food and drinks at any temperature desired. Triple helm seats sit high for all around viewing and a full glass enclosure keeps the crew dry in all weather conditions.

11 Anchor/rode kit - 22lb anchor, 15ft of chain & 200ft of rope
Anchor - thru-hull windlass system (with controls at helm & bow), stainless steel chafe plate & anchor roller
Battery - (5 or 6) marine batteries (depending on options/motors)
Battery - charger (2) (3 bank) (40 amp)
Bilge pumps (4) - 1100 GPH (1) 1500 GPH (3)
Cabin - 5in thick innerspring mattress (6ft 6in)
Cabin - ceramic bowl sink with SST faucet