江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷外
    发动机燃料 柴油
    引擎数量 三引擎
    用途 钓鱼运动
    船舱数量 带驾驶室
    甲板布置 日光浴, T形顶篷
    长度 11.7 m (38'04")


380 是一款创新杰作。 精确设计和建造,这是技术,性能和奢华造型完美融合的地方。 虽然它装载了标准功能(如标准的 SeaKeeper 陀螺仪稳定器),但屡获殊荣的可用选项将为您提供楼层。 专利的电子驱动铰接火箭发射器和正在申请专利的电子驱动可转换隐蔽娱乐站/夹层座椅等选项在沿海渔船上首次使用,进一步使该型号与同类产品中的任何其他产品更加距离。 Scout 采用碳纤维 /E-玻璃的环氧注入双阶梯节能船体,以及配备合成柚木的可选液压端口侧海滩平台,进一步增加了该模型的特点,使其不仅是一艘令人难以置信的船。 这是一个令人难以置信的体验

环氧注入船体使用碳纤维 /E-玻璃提供了更好的结构稳定性、强度和 A 级表面,创造无

与伦比的性能只需触摸一个按钮,您就可以以电子方式提升或降低硬顶安装火箭发射器. 当部署了可伸缩遮阳篷时,火箭发射器也会以电子方式降低。 火箭发射器表达不仅为船提供了

一个额外的独特功能,而且还有助于轻松装载/卸载杆电子驱动敞篷 Hideaway 娱乐站/夹层座椅专利正在申请专利的专利按下按钮和后面夹层座椅和脚托可折叠,显示一个娱乐/诱饵准备站,配有隐藏的水槽、切割板、烤架、铲斗抽屉和储物柜


The 380 is an innovation masterpiece. Designed and built with precision, this is where technology, performance and luxurious styling perfectly blend. While it’s loaded with standard features (like the standard SeaKeeper Gyro Stabilizer), the award-winning available options will floor you. Options like the patented electronically-actuated articulating rocket launchers and the patent-pending electronically-actuated convertible hideaway entertainment station / mezzanine seat are first of their kind in a coastal fishing boat, further distancing this model from anything else in its class. Scout’s Epoxy-Infused, double-stepped fuel-efficient hull using Carbon Fiber/E-Glass, and optional hydraulic port side beach platform with synthetic teak further add to the model’s characteristics, making it not just an incredible boat. It’s an incredible experience

Epoxy-Infused Hull
The Epoxy-Infused hull using Carbon Fiber/E-Glass provides improved superior structural stability, strength and a Class-A finish, creating unsurpassed performance

With the touch of a button, you can electronically raise or lower the hardtop mounted rocket launchers. When the Sure Shade retractable awning is deployed, the rocket launchers will also lower electronically. Having the rocket launchers articulate not only provides an added unique feature to the boat, but also helps with ease of loading/unloading rods

Electronically-Actuated Convertible Hideaway Entertainment Station / Mezzanine Seat Patent-Pending
Patent-pending Push a button and the aft-facing mezzanine seat & foot rest fold up to reveal an entertainment/bait prep station complete with hidden sink, cutting board, grill, tackle drawer and storage