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Prolock Sigma
Prolock Sigma适用于桩基护壁和挡土结构。基本上任何项目都可以实现。您可以根据筛网的长度和使用的桩的选择进行无限变化。根据强度计算,可以安装锚固装置以增加强度。

Prolock Sigma系统结合使用回收的塑料滤网和长木桩。在水位下,没有氧气到达木桩,这意味着木桩不会开始腐烂。这意味着木桩不会开始腐烂。塑料滤网的顶层为深棕色,具有独特的紫外线防护功能。这一切的结果是:保证至少60年的使用寿命。

Prolock Sigma系统保证了相当大的成本节约。通过巧妙地利用短筛和长针叶木桩,可大大节省材料价格。如果由于强度原因不适合使用针叶木桩,可以使用硬木桩或钢管桩。

桩式护栏的顶部可以使用美观的Prolock Sigma围檩或Prolock Sigma盖板来完成。当然,也可以使用木质围檩进行传统处理。


Prolock Sigma
Prolock Sigma is suitable for pile revetments and soil-retaining structures. Basically any project can be realised. You can infinitely vary with regard to the length of the screen and the choices of the piles to be used. Depending on the strength calculation, anchoring can be installed for extra strength.

Service life of at least 60 years
The Prolock Sigma system combines the use of recycled plastic screens with long wooden piles. No oxygen reaches the piles under the water level. This means that the piles will not start to rot. The plastic screens have a dark brown top layer with unique UV protection. The result of all this: a guaranteed service life of at least 60 years.

Cost-cutting due to fast installation
The Prolock Sigma system guarantees a considerable saving on costs. By making smart use of a short screen and long coniferous wood piles, a considerable saving on the material price is achieved. If coniferous wood piles are not suitable due to strength reasons, hard wood piles or steel tubular piles can be used.

Beautiful finish
The top side of the pile revetment can be finished with the beautiful Prolock Sigma waling or with the Prolock Sigma covers. Providing a traditional finish using wooden waling is, of course, possible.