
江南官网app 2022-02-05 16:23 编辑:尚怡 128阅读

全自动型排钉机械的设计论文编号:JX393  论文字数:16151.页数:33  摘  要钉子在日常生活中很常见,种类繁多,尺寸不一;它的用途也是多种多样的,特别是在室内装修业方面,它的重要性就更大了。目前,在装璜业和建筑方面广泛地使用射钉气枪,它可以大大地提高工作效率。众所周知, 在使用射钉枪时, 要求钢钉不能是杂乱无章的分散状态, 而是要把钢钉制成具有一定规格的钉排, 以便把钢钉快速地装进射钉枪。因此,这就要求我们必须考虑排钉的问题。本次设计在设计过程中力求理论联系实际,对QZD型排钉机在原来设计的基础上做了一定的改进。主要介绍用语建筑装璜业的钉排加工的自动上胶机的结构设计。该上胶机可以完成自动上料、双面刷胶、自动输送、切断的全部功能,是一个全自动化程度较高的生产设备。该设备的应用可以提高生产效率、提高产品质量、减少污染,对于该行业生产水平的提高有很大的实际意义,也填补了该技术领域的缺欠。关键词 钉排;排钉机;上料装置;上胶;自动化AbstractThe nail is very familiar in the daily life, and the category is numerous, the size is very different. Its use is various also, especially in the industry efficiency of the room's fitment, its importance is very large. At present, the construction and decoration industries wider use Nailing air, it can greatly improve efficiency. As we all know, the use of firearm, demanded the pin is not a medley of decentralized state, Rather, it should have made certain pin specifications nails arrangement, in order to rapidly put into the screw firearm. Therefore, it requires that we consider staples issues.During the design, we try hard to make the theory consistent with the practice, and some improvement has been made in the QZD lining nail machine on the base of the formerly design. The mechanism design of automatic painting adhesive machine for the nail rank used for architectural upholsterer is introduced. This painting adhesive machine is a high automatic equipment, which have the function of automatic feeing nails, painting adhesive in the double sides of the nail rank, automatic carrying and severing the nail rank with the help of this machine, the productivity of painting adhesive of the nail rank can be increased, the its quality can be improved, and environment pollution that is produced in painting adhesive can also be induced. T
