
江南官网app 2023-07-14 19:23 编辑:jing 105阅读

1. 海洋动物有哪些英文

seal 海豹

hippocampi 海马

sea lion 海狮

walrus 海象

coral 珊瑚

echinus 海胆

starfish 海星

dolphin 海豚

cetacean 鲸鱼

shark 鲨鱼

cuttle 墨鱼

acaleph 水母

mussel 蚌

anglerfish 琵琶鱼

oyster 牡蛎

caribe 水虎鱼

chelonian 海龟

langouste 龙虾

flatfish 比目鱼

flying fish 飞鱼

sweetfish/ayu 香鱼

trumpet shell 海螺

石斑鱼 grouper

海鳗 eel

海蛇 sea snake

狮子鱼 lion fish

刺河豚 balloon fish

鳐鱼 manta

神仙鱼 angel fish

蝶鱼 butterfly fish

2. 海洋动物有哪些英文版

迪士尼动画片《小美人鱼》插曲《海洋之心》的英文版叫《Part of Your World》。

歌名:《Part of Your World》



所属专辑:Disney Princesses


Look at this stuff

Isn't it neat?

Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?

Wouldn't you think I'm the girl

The girl who has ev'rything?

Look at this trove

Treasures untold

How many wonders can one cavern hold?

Lookin' around here you'd think


She's got everything

I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty

I've got whozits and whatzits galore

You want thingamabobs?

I got twenty

But who cares?

No big deal

I want more

I wanna be where the people are

I wanna see

Wanna see 'em dancin'

Walkin' around on those

Whad'ya call 'em?

Oh - feet

Flippin' your fins you don't get too far

Legs are required for jumpin', dancin'

Strollin' along down a

What's that word again?


Up where they walk

Up where they run

Up where they stay all day in the sun

Wanderin' free

Wish I could be

Part of that world

What would I give

If I could live

Outta these waters?

What would I pay

To spend a day

Warm on the sand?

Betcha on land

They understand

Bet they don't reprimand their daughters

Bright young women

Sick o' swimmin'

Ready to stand

And I'm ready to know what the people know

Ask 'em my questions

And get some answers

What's a fire and why does it

What's the word? Burn?

When's it my turn?

Wouldn't I love

Love to explore that shore up above?

Out of the sea

Wish I could be

Part of that world

Out of the sea

Wish I could be

Part of your world

3. 海洋动物50名称大全英文


海星 starfish 章鱼 octopus 龙虾 lobster

贝类 shell 鲨鱼 shark 海参 sea slug

乌贼 cuttlefish 虾子 prawn 海豚 dolphin

金鱼 gold fish 白带鱼 hair tail fish

牡蛎 oyster 珊瑚coral 海胆sea urchin

虾shrimp 水母jellyfish 海马sea horse

乌贼cuttlefish 章鱼octopus 海牛manatee

鲸whale 海星starfish 海豚dolphin

鲨鱼shark 海龟sea turtle 海象walrus

海豹seal 比目鱼flounder 海蛇sea snake

4. 海洋动物有哪些英文名字

海星 starfish 珊瑚 coral 螃蟹 crab 章鱼 octopus 龙虾 lobster 贝类 shell 鲨鱼 shark 海参 sea slug 乌贼 cuttlefish 虾子 prawn 海豚 dolphin

5. 海洋动物有哪些英文怎么说

海星 starfish、珊瑚 coral、螃蟹 crab、章鱼 octopus、龙虾 lobster、贝类 shell、鲨鱼 shark、海参 sea slug、乌贼 cuttlefish、虾子 prawn、海豚 dolphin、金鱼 gold fish、白带鱼 hair tail fish、牡蛎 oyster、珊瑚coral、海胆sea urchin、虾shrimp、水母jellyfish、海马sea horse、乌贼cuttlefish、章鱼octopus、魟鱼ray、鲸whale、海星starfish。

1、海星 starfish

读音:英 ['stɑːfɪʃ];美 ['stɑːrfɪʃ]

例句:You can pick up a little starfish.


例句:Have you ever seen a starfish shining on the beach?


2、珊瑚 coral

英 ['kɒrəl];美 ['kɔːrəl]

n. 珊瑚

adj. 珊瑚的;珊瑚色的

例句:Coral is formed by certain types of polyp.


例句:There are lots of coral in the sea.


3、螃蟹 crab

英 [kræb];美 [kræb]

n. 蟹;阴虱;爱争吵的人;[植]山楂子

v. 捕蟹;使横行;批评;抱怨

例句:All the shops on the seafront had crab for sale.


例句:A crab was left stranded on the beach when the tide ebbed.


4、章鱼 octopus

英 ['ɒktəpəs];美 ['ɑːktəpəs]

例句:One octopus has eight tentacles.


例句:Who can know the woe of my octopus.


5、龙虾 lobster

英 ['lɒbstə(r)] ;美 ['lɑːbstər]

n. 龙虾

v. 捕龙虾

例句:The lobster is a shellfish.


例句:Lobster has eight legs and two long claws.

