
江南官网app 2023-07-13 08:15 编辑:jing 58阅读

1. 在海洋里发现的生物英语


海星 starfish 章鱼 octopus 龙虾 lobster

贝类 shell 鲨鱼 shark 海参 sea slug

乌贼 cuttlefish 虾子 prawn 海豚 dolphin

金鱼 gold fish 白带鱼 hair tail fish

牡蛎 oyster 珊瑚coral 海胆sea urchin

虾shrimp 水母jellyfish 海马sea horse

乌贼cuttlefish 章鱼octopus 海牛manatee

鲸whale 海星starfish 海豚dolphin

鲨鱼shark 海龟sea turtle 海象walrus

海豹seal 比目鱼flounder 海蛇sea snake

2. 生活在海洋里的动物英文

你好,我是【成功者坚持梦想不放弃】,很高兴为你解答。动物的英语单词:animal读音:英 ['ænɪml] 美 ['ænɪml]n. 动物;牲畜adj. 动物的;野兽的词汇搭配:1、land animals 陆地动物2、pet animals 宠物3、sea animals 海洋动物4、water animals 水生动物常见句型:1、All animals including men feed on plants or other animals.包括人类在内的所有动物都以植物或其他动物为食。2、This creature has the largest eyes in the whole animal kingdom.在整个动物界,这种动物的眼睛最大。3、Every animal has its proper instincts.动物各有其特有的本领。4、All human beings are much more intelligent than animals.整个人类都比动物聪明得多。



3. 在海洋里发现的生物英语怎么说

  marine organisms的意思  海洋生物  例句:双语英语1.This area of the islet is too high for marine organisms to colonize, but also gets too much salty sea-spray for lichen to flourish.  这些小岛地区对繁殖海洋生物来说,显得太高,然而对地衣的茂盛生长衣却也受到了太多的含盐份的海水浪涛的冲击.  2.For reasons that are not entirely understood, many marine organisms bioluminesce only when disturbed.  出于一些还没有被完全理解的原因,许多水生生物只在被打扰的时候才会发生生物荧光现象.  3.The oceans contain a great biodiversity of marine organisms.  海洋包含一种海洋生物的大的生物多样性.  4.More than 150 different types of phytoplankton have been observed in the black sea over the years, and they have supported a rich bounty of fish and other marine organisms.  数年来,黑海中已经发现了超过150种不同的浮游植物,正是它们支撑了这里丰富的鱼类和其它海洋生物.  5.Researchers have also been surprised to discover that exposure to these waters can change the behavior of some marine organisms, such as by disrupting brain development in fish.  研究人员惊奇地发现,生活在这种水域能改变一些水生生物的行为,如扰乱鱼的大脑发育.  如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!  如果您认可我的答案,请采纳.

4. 海洋里的生物用英语怎么说

flatfish、sea horse 、octopus、squid、eel。词汇解析:

一、flatfish英 [ˈflætfɪʃ] 美 [ˈflætˌfɪʃ] n.比目鱼Flesh of a large European flatfish. 一种欧洲大比目鱼的肉。

二、sea horse英 [si: hɔ:s] 美 [si hɔrs] n.海马When it is a sea horse. 当它是一只海马的时候。英 [ˈɒktəpəs] 美 [ˈɑ:ktəpəs] n.章鱼I bought some octopus dumplings. 我买了些章鱼饺子。四、squid英 [skwɪd] 美 [skwɪd] n.鱿鱼;乌贼,墨鱼Squid's a little bit greasy tonight. 今晚的乌贼有些太油腻了。五、eel英 [i:l] 美 [il] n.鳗鱼Offer all kinds of specific roasted eel, prawn, and fillet. 供应各种规格的高品质烤鳗鱼,对虾,鱼片。

5. 发现海洋生物大约有多少种




6. 在海洋里发现的生物英语翻译


主要包括鲸目、海牛目、鳍脚亚目三大类。鲸目包括鲸和海豚,是所有哺乳动物中最适应水栖生活的一支,外形和鱼相似,已经完全不能在陆地上生活。其中包括一些地球上最大的动物,而多数则是中等体型。海牛目是仅有的适应海洋生活的植食性动物,也是仅次于鲸目最适应水栖生活的动物。海牛目体型肥胖,有很厚的脂肪层,脑不发达,行动比较迟缓。 鳍脚亚目或鳍脚目是水栖性的食肉动物。鳍脚类平时生活在水中,在水中觅食,但是需要在陆地上繁殖。鳍脚类身上有厚的脂肪层或者毛皮来抵御海水的寒冷。

7. 海里的生物英文

Cetaceans include toothed whales (Suborder Odontoceti),such as the Sperm Whale,dolphins,and porpoises such as the Dall's porpoise.Cetaceans also include baleen whales (Suborder Mysticeti),such as the Gray Whale,Humpback Whale,and Blue Whale.

Sirenians include manatees,the Dugong,and the extinct Steller's Sea Cow.

Seals (Family Phocidae),sea lions (Family Otariidae - which also include the fur seals),and the Walrus (Family Odobenidae) are all considered pinnipeds.

The Sea Otter is a member of the Family Mustelidae,which includes weasels and badgers.

The Polar Bear (Family Ursidae) is sometimes considered a marine mammal because of its dependence on the sea.
