
江南官网app 2023-05-31 01:19 编辑:jing 90阅读

1. 关于海洋的英语

大海的英文翻译是sea,sea的音标是英 [si:]或美 [si:],sea作为名词使用。 sea 英 [si:] 美 [si:] n.海;海洋;许多;大量 短语:

1、Red Sea 红海省 ; 红海 ; 红海沿岸 ; 网络是

2、sea cucumber [水产] [无脊椎] 海参 ; 海瓜子 ; 海黄瓜 ; 零胆固醇天然胶原妙品海参

3、THE SEA 大海 ; 海洋 ; 在海 ; 沧海

4、Ross Sea 罗斯海 ; 罗斯海域 ; 羅斯海

2. 关于海洋的英语手抄报内容



3. 关于海洋的英语手抄报






  5、 给章鱼、标题、砂糖涂上完整的颜色,让画面更完整。


4. 关于海洋的英语小故事

联想 是由大海的波涛想到的 因为在这个故事里,大海是夺取女娃生命的凶手. 大海奔腾着,咆哮着,露出雪亮亮的牙齿,凶恶地嘲笑着:"傻鸟儿,那么你就干吧——干吧!"大海哈哈地大笑了.

5. 关于海洋的英语介绍


1、dolphin 海豚;

2、seal 海豹 ;

3、hippocampi 海马 ;

4、sea lion 海狮 ;

5、walrus 海象 ;

6、coral 珊瑚 ;

7、echinus 海胆 ;

8、starfish 海星 ;

9、cetacean 鲸鱼 ;

10、shark 鲨鱼 ;

11、cuttle 墨鱼 ;

12、acaleph 水母 ;

13、anglerfish 琵琶鱼 ;

14、oyster 牡蛎 ;

15、chelonian 海龟 ;

16、langouste 龙虾 ;

17、flatfish 比目鱼 ;

18、trumpet shell 海螺 ;

19、grouper 石斑鱼;

20、sea snake 海蛇。

6. 关于海洋的英语小短文

Walk along the Seashore

A Walk along the Seashore

There is much enjoyment to be gained by strolling along the seashore. Many people who live far away from the sea envy those who live near it. They sometimes form excursion parties and go there to spend their Sundays.

7. 关于海洋的英语演讲稿

Teachers, students: Hello!  today I presentation grateful parents. The students, where we come from? hear this question, we will say, my parents took us to the world. Yes, more than 10 years ago of a certain day, our parents with tears and happy smile greeted us. But when we came to Earth in that moment, the parents but an onerous job ― to take care of us. Although this is a heavy burden, but the parents but murmur dependency, I grew up. We first called father and mother, the first independent to constitute a step, for the first time and scrawls them up when the parents patiently teach us. Parents, is God give us does not require any modification of the soul. When we encountered difficulties, to give everything to help our people, is the parent. When we were hurt, patiently listening to our people, their parents. When we make a mistake when not hesitate to forgive us, are parents. When we succeed, will sincerely as we celebrate, share with us the joy, the parents. And now we outside work, still with us. ... Life is not as perfect, parents of hard to understand, however, in order to give us a comfortable living environment, they are always so hard, so hard. I wonder if members would remember that the thankful heart, touching sad melody: a thankful heart, thank you know, let me have the courage to do it myself. A thankful heart, thanks to fate, the flowers I will cherish. Yes, our wonderful is the parents of our road is specified for our parents, our success is given by their parents. All in all, involve parents help us as a creator, and parents are, therefore, we must with a grateful heart to repay parents, we want to act, to our efforts to return again and again. Although we cannot live with their parents to share the hard, entrepreneurship and difficult, but we, as a secondary school student, at least you can read out to good comfort for parents that we truly worried mind.  The mid-term exam is about to come, hope that students can obtain a success.  Thank you, my speech has gone.

8. 关于海洋的英语句子


Ocean is the craddle of life.


Save our ocean for the sake of life on the earth
