江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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来源:www.ascsdubai.com    时间:2021-11-10 06:18    点击:57   编辑:admin

分类的英语:classify  ['klæsɪfaɪ]


词性:vt. 分类;分等。


classify stamping 冲压工艺的分类

to classify 划分

risk classify 风险分类

classify secrets 确定密级

Classify Parameters 参数分类

Classify compare 分类比较法

mercaptan classify 硫醇分类


1.Classify them by branch, region, and year.


2.This is true regardless of how we classify the service.


3.Men in the post office classify mail according to places it is to go.


4.If we classify these users by project, then, from a project-by-project point of view, the defect database appears to be unique for each user and each project.


5.After all, the effort to classify and categorise disorders of something as complex as the human mind—especially when that categorisation is done by committee—is unlikely to please everybody.


分类 [fēn lèi]n. classificationvt. classify一、classification英 [,klæsɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [,klæsɪfɪ'keʃən] n. 分类;类别,等级1、短语car classification 汽车种类 ; 调车进路 Dinosaur classification 恐龙分类表Superconductor classification 超导材料account classification [会计] 帐户分类 ; 账户分类 ; 帐户分类表 ; [会计] 科目分类cross classification [分化] 交叉分组 ; 交叉分类 ; 交互分类 ; 交叉分类法classification schemes 分类表 ; 分类法hydraulic classification [矿业] 水力分级 ; 水力离析classification opinion 分类观点Classification Temperature 分类温度2、双语例句But some people decided that every page should carry classification. 但是有人认为每一个页面都应该被分类。I disagree somewhat with their exact classification of what each of them means, so I willsubstitute my own interpretation for some. 我不同意他们这样对每种意味着什么的精确地分类方式,因此我将用一些我自己的解释来取代。Because subjects are defined by special topics, you can include the subject definition in thecontent and use it for classification. 因为主题是由特殊的题目定义的,所以可以在内容中包含主题定义 并 把它用于分类。二、classify英 ['klæsɪfaɪ] 美 [ˈklæsəˌfaɪ] vt. 分类;分等[ 过去式 classified 过去分词 classified 现在分词 classifying ]短语classify stamping 冲压工艺的分类 to classify 划分 ; 分类risk classify 风险分类 classify secrets 确定密级Classify Parameters 参数分类 Classify compare 分类比较法forest classify 林分分类 PRODUCT CLASSIFY 产品分类mercaptan classify 硫醇分类双语例句Classify them by branch, region, and year. 将他们按照支行、地区和年分类。This is true regardless of how we classify the service. 不论我们如何分类服务,这一点都是不变的。Men in the post office classify mail according to places it is to go. 邮局里的人员将信件按寄送地点分类。
