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来源:www.ascsdubai.com 时间:2022-10-03 04:54 点击:85 编辑:admin



Dialogue spacecraft


Dialogue spacecraft


Dialogue spacecraft


1、M/V ABC ,call sign 123,this is M/V DEF call sign 456 calling,over(船名、呼号一般喊两次)

2、port to port (过红灯/向右转向),starboard to starboard(过绿灯/向左转向)

3、I pass your bow(过你船头),I pass your stern(过你船尾)

4、I overtake you on your port side (在你左舷追越),I overtake you on your starboard side(在你右舷追越)

5、I keep speed and course,keep clear of me(我保向保速,与我保持安全距离)


ballast fire pump running 压载/消防泵运行

steering gear running 舵机运行

steering gear st-by 舵机备用

smash pump running

g/e emcy stop 应急发电机停止

em`cy fire pump start 应急消防泵启动

em`cy fire pump stop 应急消防泵停止

fan spply start 供风机启动

fan exhaust start 排风机启动

fan stop 风机停止

switc power 电源开关

m/e (ps)whc remote cont.sys.fail 左舷主机遥控系统失败

m/e (sb)whc remote cont.sys.fail 右舷主机遥控系统失败

telegraph(ps) power fall (左)车鈡电源失败

monitor console ac220v power fall 220伏监控电源失败

i.c.c.p.geeral alarm 通用报警

generator s.w low press 发电机海水低压

m/e (ps) whc remote cont.power fall (重复)

m/e (sb) whc remote cont.power fall

telegraph(sb) power fall (右)车鈡电源失败

monitor console dc24V power fall 直流24伏监控电源失败

m.g.p.s. general alarm 通用报警

f.w.gcontrol box common alarm 淡水控制箱普通报警

spare 备品

explosion-proof safety isolator 防爆安全隔离装置

alarm light with bell unit 带有铃的灯光报警

m/e (ps)l.o.filter differential press.high (左)主机滑油过滤压力高

m/e(ps) high-pres.oil pipe leakage 主机(左)高压油管漏

lt fcw expansion tank for m/e(ps)level low 主机膨胀柜低位

1# junction box 1号接线箱

m/e (sb) lo.fillter differ.pres.high 主机(右)滑油过滤压力高

high-pres.oil pipe leakage 高压油管漏

1#steering gear control power fall 1号舵机控制电源失败

e/r co2 release alarm 机舱二氧化碳释放报警

ac compressor common alarm 空调压缩机普通报警

sewage treatment unit level high 污水处理柜液位高

l.o. separator fail 滑油分油机失败

h.o.f service tank level low xxx日用柜液位低

aft f.w tank (ps)level high 左侧尾淡水舱液位高

aft f.w tank (sb)level high 右侧尾淡水舱液位高

sewage tank level high 粪便柜液位高

stern tube l.o. gravity tank level low 尾轴滑油重力柜液位低

stern tube l.o.(sb) gravity tank level low 尾轴滑油重力柜(右)液位低

hold bilger(sb)level high 污水柜液位高

gearbox(ps)l.o.low press 变速箱滑油低压

gearbox(ps)serv.o.low.press 变速箱伺服油压低

m/e(ps)c.f.w.outlet temp.meter 主机。。出口温度表

m/e(ps)exhaust temp 主机排气温度


Channel16 stand by!

Mayday Mayday Mayday!

This is YUKUN MV!

Please chang the channel to 12!

