

来源:www.ascsdubai.com   时间:2023-07-21 18:24   点击:230  编辑:jing 手机版

1. 描绘海洋的英语句子摘抄





2. 描写海洋的英文短句

1 海洋奇缘中有很多优美的英语词汇和句子。2 因为这部电影的主题是海洋和爱情,所以其中包含了很多与海洋和爱情相关的词汇和句子,比如“the ocean is my only witness”、“love is an open door”等等。3 此外,这部电影还通过对话和歌曲来呈现这些词汇和句子,让观众更加深刻地体会到电影中的情感和主题。

3. 描绘海洋的英语句子摘抄带翻译

五光十色 色彩斑斓 鱼翔海底 水藻丛生 珊瑚林立不可思议 诡秘莫测 神乎其神 鱼翔浅底 鱼跃龙门

长沙海底世界有逾千种上万尾来自世界各地的名贵海洋生物和淡水鱼,那 乖巧可爱的海狮、凶猛的大鲨鱼、五颜六色的珊瑚礁千姿百态的海草和神秘的水下奇观,令人身临其境留连忘返。今天妈妈终于带我和姐姐来海底世界参观了,别误会,不是真的海底,是北京的海底景观。我跟姐姐们都急着要看海里的鱼,于是我们飞快地跑上了搂,刚走进去就看到许多鱼在玻璃墙里游来游去。我的左边、右边、头上都是鱼,五彩斑斓,真是太漂亮了。忽然,我看见几只海马在玩耍,一只黄色的海马,两只红色的海马...

4. 描写海洋的英文


1、sea 海

2、ocean 大洋

3、inlet 小湾

4、bay 海湾,湾

5、wave 波浪

wave 读法 英 [weɪv] 美 [weɪv]    

n. 波浪;波纹;波

v. 挥动;飘动



1、wave的基本意思是“波”,常用于表示“波浪”“波涛”,可指海面涌起拍岸大波或者波浪(尤指海浪)的浪头; 也可指形状上或运动上像波浪的事物,用于比喻则可指头发的波纹或烫发。在科技术语中, wave还可表示波状运动的波和热、光、声、磁、电等的波状运动。在物理学中则特指电磁波。


3、wave是可数名词,可用不定冠词修饰。the waves的意思是“大海”,是正式用法。

4、“在波浪上”应说on the waves,其中介词不可误用作in。


1、light waves 光波

2、shock waves 冲击波

3、radio waves 无线电波

4、natural wave 头发的天然卷曲

5、sound waves 声波


1、The flag waved in the wind.


2、All around me I saw tall trees waving in the wind.


5. 关于海洋的英语

flatfish、sea horse 、octopus、squid、eel。词汇解析:

一、flatfish英 [ˈflætfɪʃ] 美 [ˈflætˌfɪʃ] n.比目鱼Flesh of a large European flatfish. 一种欧洲大比目鱼的肉。

二、sea horse英 [si: hɔ:s] 美 [si hɔrs] n.海马When it is a sea horse. 当它是一只海马的时候。英 [ˈɒktəpəs] 美 [ˈɑ:ktəpəs] n.章鱼I bought some octopus dumplings. 我买了些章鱼饺子。四、squid英 [skwɪd] 美 [skwɪd] n.鱿鱼;乌贼,墨鱼Squid's a little bit greasy tonight. 今晚的乌贼有些太油腻了。五、eel英 [i:l] 美 [il] n.鳗鱼Offer all kinds of specific roasted eel, prawn, and fillet. 供应各种规格的高品质烤鳗鱼,对虾,鱼片。

6. 描写海洋的英语作文

The simplest water pollution definition would be any contamination of water bodies with some pollutant(s) that changes physical, biological, and chemical conditions of any body of water making this water harmful for environment and surrounding ecosystems.

Water pollution occurs once too much pollutants (mostly in form of different waste) are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies. Water pollution does not only cause great environmental damage but is also the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases responsible for the deaths of more than 14,000 people each day, mostly in developing countries.

Many people are not aware that water pollution is serious problem in almost all parts of the world, and not just in third world countries like some choose to believe. In fact many experts will tell you that reality is completely different than the common belief, and that actually water pollution problem is already out of control.

Water pollution problem is in most cases connected with the careless handling of chemical agents, toxins introduced into our water through industrial dumping, and farm runoff. All these factors make our water unsafe to drink.

For instance, the chlorine that is widely used to disinfect our water is believed by many to be carcinogenic, and therefore a major health issue that significantly contributed to worldwide rise of cancer rates.

Basically chlorine is present in every glass of water we draw from our tap, and although some studies have confirmed that chlorine can indeed be one of the cancer risk factors we simply cannot do without it because by removing chlorine from our water we would open the door to many waterborne diseases that would kill millions of people around the globe.

So how to protect yourself from water pollution? The best option available to us is to install a multi-layered home water filtering system in your home. The best option is multi media block system that has an activated granular carbon filter, a sub micron filter, and an ion exchange. This system is capable to prevent up to 99.99% of all of the harmful contaminants present in our water from entering your home.

High quality home water filtering system is really your best ally against water pollution.

7. 描绘海洋的英语句子摘抄大全


Ocean is the craddle of life.


Save our ocean for the sake of life on the earth

8. 关于海洋的英语短文

We should protect the marine organisms

  Today,I saw a shop was selling the coral when I walk on the street.I was very angry.Perhaps many people still don't know that selling coral is illegal abroad expect in Indonesia.Because Indonesia is so poor that it has to earn money through digging and selling the coral,which accuse many marine organisms have to move from their home-ocean.As you known,if coral leave the ocean which they adapt,they might die.That's why I feel so angry.

  Please try our best to protect the marine organisms.They are also our friends!

9. 描绘海洋的英语句子摘抄简短

I should.I'm supposed to be the kind of guyI think the ocean of the future should be cyan transparent or blue, the kind without pollution or chicken in it.

10. 关于海洋的唯美句子英语

His mind is as broad as the sea. 英文中加一个主语His,如果是女性则为Her.

11. 描写海洋的英文句子

1.Here,It's In Front Of The Shark House.这儿,鲨鱼馆前面。

2.The Ocean Is Home To A Whale And A Shark.大海是鲸鱼和鲨鱼的家。

3.There Are More Than Two Hundred And Fifty Species Of Shark.鲨鱼种类达250种以上。
