

来源:www.ascsdubai.com   时间:2023-07-13 21:33   点击:146  编辑:jing 手机版

1. 绿色生活的英语翻译

 I want to grow up as soon as possible. When I grow up, I can do many things that I can’t now. However, at the same time, I am afraid. I don’t know what my future life would be.

Look around myself, some people are busy working for having enough food to eat and live better; some are achieving every goal that they make; some may live in the poor situation.

I don’t know what kind of life I would have in the future. But I know that everyone’s life is in their hands. So I will try my best to work hard for a better future life.





2. 绿色生活的英语翻译怎么写

Green life means low-carbon life. We can choose public transportation and we should recycle old things, never waste food. Be friendly to animals and so on.

3. 绿色生活的英语短语

green:英式读 [griːn] ;美式读 [ɡrin]。









in the green 在年富力强时

on the green 在果岭上;在草地上

green tea 绿茶

green food 绿色食品

green space 绿地;绿色空间

4. 绿色生活的英文

The area of desert in the world is growing every year. Many parts of the world which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops, have become deserts. Dunhuang in China, deep in the heart of the Gebi Desert, was once a great city.

  Cattle are one cause of the problem. In good years, famers increase the numbers of their cattle. Then one year, the rains fail to come. The farmers do not want to kill any of their cattle, so the cattle eat ail the grass and anything that grows on poorer land. If this continues for several years, the grass never grows again and the land becomes a desert. One suggested answer is for farmers to limit the numbers of their cattle.

  Another problem is that good soil is gradually lost. When trees are cut down, there is nothing to hold the soil in place on the hillside. So when if rains, the soil is washed down the hills and into the rivers. Strong winds can also blow away the valuable soil that lies on the top of the fields.

5. 绿色生活英语句子

A:Protection environment, everybody has a responsibility!

  B:Me too , but also has how many people to have this consciousness!if our survival environment is destructed,the consequence can be imagined,but also lives gets down?
