

来源:www.ascsdubai.com   时间:2023-07-13 03:39   点击:110  编辑:jing 手机版

1. 海洋的重要性英文

大海的英语:sea读音:英 [siː] 美 [siː] n. 海;海洋词汇搭配:

1、command the sea 掌握制海权2、cross the sea 横渡大海3、angry sea 愤怒的海4、blue sea 蔚蓝的海5、at sea 在海上常见句型1、The sea bounds the peninsula on the sides.该岛三面环海。

2、The sea and the sky seemed to blend into each other.大海和蓝天似乎连成了一片。扩展资料:词语用法1、sea的意思是“海,海洋”“海水”,是不可数名词。2、在sea前的专有名词前一般要加冠词the。


2. 海洋的重要性英文句子带翻译

His mind is as broad as the sea. 英文中加一个主语His,如果是女性则为Her.

3. 海洋的重要性英文句子

As we all know the sea food we eat is from the oceans.In the past,the oceans was very clean and beautifull,there were a lot of sea animals in them.But nowadays the oceans is dirty,many sea animals are die.we must keep them clean.We must stop polluting them.The oceans is very important to us!

4. 海洋的重要性英文版

  电影《海洋奇缘》主题曲叫《How Far I'll Go》。原唱:Alessia Cara


I've been staring at the edge of the water

'Long as I can remember, never really knowing why

I wish I could be the perfect daughter

But I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try

Every turn I take, every trail I track

Every path I make, every road leads back

To the place I know, where I can not go, though I long to be

See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me

And no one knows, how far it goes

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me

One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go


I know everybody on this island, seems so happy on this island

Everything is by design

I know everybody on this island has a role on this island

So maybe I can roll with mine

I can lead with pride, I can make us strong

I'll be satisfied if I play along

But the voice inside sings a different song

What is wrong with me?

See the light as it shines on the sea? It's blinding

But no one knows, how deep it goes

And it seems like it's calling out to me, so come find me

And let me know, what's beyond that line, will I cross that line?

See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me

And no one knows, how far it goes

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me

One day I'll know, how far I'll go

5. 海洋的重要性英文句子有哪些



6. 海洋的重要性英文介绍

联合国海洋法公约(英语:United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,首字母缩略字:UNCLOS),指联合国曾召开的三次海洋法会议,以及1982年第三次会议所决议的海洋法公约(LOS)。


7. 海洋的重要性英文作文

The simplest water pollution definition would be any contamination of water bodies with some pollutant(s) that changes physical, biological, and chemical conditions of any body of water making this water harmful for environment and surrounding ecosystems.

Water pollution occurs once too much pollutants (mostly in form of different waste) are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies. Water pollution does not only cause great environmental damage but is also the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases responsible for the deaths of more than 14,000 people each day, mostly in developing countries.

Many people are not aware that water pollution is serious problem in almost all parts of the world, and not just in third world countries like some choose to believe. In fact many experts will tell you that reality is completely different than the common belief, and that actually water pollution problem is already out of control.

Water pollution problem is in most cases connected with the careless handling of chemical agents, toxins introduced into our water through industrial dumping, and farm runoff. All these factors make our water unsafe to drink.

For instance, the chlorine that is widely used to disinfect our water is believed by many to be carcinogenic, and therefore a major health issue that significantly contributed to worldwide rise of cancer rates.

Basically chlorine is present in every glass of water we draw from our tap, and although some studies have confirmed that chlorine can indeed be one of the cancer risk factors we simply cannot do without it because by removing chlorine from our water we would open the door to many waterborne diseases that would kill millions of people around the globe.

So how to protect yourself from water pollution? The best option available to us is to install a multi-layered home water filtering system in your home. The best option is multi media block system that has an activated granular carbon filter, a sub micron filter, and an ion exchange. This system is capable to prevent up to 99.99% of all of the harmful contaminants present in our water from entering your home.

High quality home water filtering system is really your best ally against water pollution.
