

来源:www.ascsdubai.com   时间:2023-07-05 13:53   点击:54  编辑:jing 手机版

1. 介绍山西地理位置和气温变化的英语作文




       太原市地处大陆内部,属于暖温带大陆性季风气候。 太原地区所处的北半球中纬度地理位置和山西高原的地理环境,使之能够接受较强的太阳辐射,光能热量比较丰富,同时,受西风环流的控制及较高的太阳辐射的影响,又使其气候干燥,降雨偏少,昼夜温差大,表现出较强的大陆性气候特点。冬季受西伯利亚冷空气的控制,夏季受东南海洋湿热气团影响,形成了冬季干冷漫长,夏季湿热多雨,春季升温急剧,秋季降温迅速,春秋两季短暂多风,干湿季节分明的特点。



2. 用英语介绍山西的气温变化


3. 介绍山西的地理位置和气候变化的英文

Datong is located in the Loess Plateau, complex and diverse topography, basically a temperate continental monsoon climate, annual average temperature is only 6.8 degrees. Datong is very cold in winter, cool summer weather is a good place for summer. Here the most prominent feature is a large temperature difference between day and night, you'd better bring an item of clothing to ward off the cold sooner or later. The annual spring and summer is the best time to travel.

4. 山西气候特点英语



5. 用英文介绍山西的地理位置

Shanxi Province got its name due to its location to the west of Taihang Mountain.Shanxi neighbored on Hebei,Henan,Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia & Autonomous Region.It is located to the east of the Yellow River,and is also known as Hedong.Shanxi belonged to Jin State in Spring and Autumn Period,so it is abbreviated in Jin.Shanxi occupies an area of 156,000 square kilometers (about 60,000 square miles) and has a population of over 32 million,including its minority ethnic population.Its capital is Taiyuan City.

  When to go

  Being at a high altitude,Shanxi Province has a cold and dry climate and has an annual rainfall of between 400-600 millimeters.The province is also frequently plagued by sandstorms,especially in the spring,so it is often useful to bring along both sunglasses and a hat when visiting.Generally speaking,the province's climate is the best between May and October.


  Shanxi is one of the birth places of Chinese civilizations with a long history and traditional culture.As early as one hundred million years ago,the ancestors of the Chinese lived and propagated in this region.Legend tells us that the Yellow Emperor,founder of the Chinese nation,once lived in Shanxi for a certain period.Today,many Neolithic sites from that period can still be seen dotted across the vast expanse of the province.

  What to see

  Shanxi is endowed with an abundance of cultural sites from its long history.Most of the ancient structures were built before the Liao and Song Dynasties.So it is the reason why Shanxi is often called the 'Chinese Ancient Architecture Museum'.The more obvious of these include:the Buddhist wonder of the Yungang Grottoes in Datong City,the ancient city of Pingyao which was listed as a World Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO in 1997,the oldest and tallest ancient wooden pagoda in China,the Wooden Pagoda of Yingxian County and the remote Shuanglin and Jinci Temples,which are well worth the long journeys for the visitors.

  Of course,there are a number of natural magnificent and beautiful places that can also be seen in Shanxi.The most famous of them include Wutai Mountain with the longest and most prestigious history in the four most well-known Buddhist holy lands of China,the whistling rage of the Yellow River's Kettle Spout waterfalls (Hukou Waterfalls) and one of the Five Sacred Mountains in China - Mt Hengshan.

6. 山西的位置和特点英语作文

Ji Shan Board dates,稷山板枣Red Star Apple 红星苹果闻喜煮饼 Wenxi boiled cake澄泥砚 The inkstoneJiShan Cannabis 稷山麻花稷山麻花 fried dough twist

7. 介绍山西地理位置和气温变化的英语作文怎么写

My hometown is in Shanxi, shanxi is located in north China, east and Hebei, west and Shaanxi, south and Henan borders, north and Inner Mongolia, between 34°34 '-40 °44' north latitude, 110°14 '-114 °33' east longitude, a total area of 156,700 square kilometers.

Shanxi Province across the Yellow River, haihe river two major water system, the river is a self-produced outflow type of water system. Shanxi Province is located in the middle latitude of the inland, a temperate continental monsoon climate.

8. 用英文介绍山西地理位置和气温变化的内容

历史最低气温-21℃。太原市属温带温带季风性气候,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,昼夜温差较大,无霜期较长,日照充足。年平均降雨量456毫米,年平均气温9.5℃,一月份最冷,平均气温 6.8℃;7月份最热,平均气温23.5℃。全年日照时数2808小时。 太原冬季最冷气温在-15℃左右,历史最低气温-21℃

9. 介绍山西地理位置和气温变化的英语作文带翻译

太原市历史上的最高气温是41.1度 。山西高温天气一般出现在5月至8月,最早可在4月中旬出现,最晚出现在9月中旬,5月下旬到8月下旬是高温天气的多发时期 。其中,6月下旬高温日数最多,7月下旬次之 。太原,简称并,古称晋阳,别称并州、龙城,山西省辖地级市、省会、Ⅰ型大城市,国务院批复确定的中部地区重要的中心城市,以能源、重化工为主的工业基地 。
