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主页 > 海洋工程 > 海洋奇缘一(海洋奇缘一些英文的语句)
来源:www.ascsdubai.com    时间:2023-01-02 03:12    点击:278   编辑:admin

1. 海洋奇缘一些英文的语句

The fears that once controlled me can t get to me at all.

2. 海洋奇缘中英文版好句


3. 海洋奇缘英文经典句子




4. 海洋奇缘的英语怎么说


5. 海洋奇缘英文精彩句子摘抄



我心中有一个无尽的海洋,没有尽头的彼方,那里永远有阳光。不要 完成别人给的梦想,我有自己专属脸庞,错误中学会成长。每一个转弯 每一个路段,每一次希望 每一次失望,不管多困难 有什么地方,是我 不能闯。我听见地平线那一边 呼唤我,不用知道 终点多远,乘着风 迎着浪 扬着帆,不是疯狂,因为信仰。人生是一场考验坚强的流浪,虽然 留在原点 十分安全,天堂里面没有悲伤,但我会失去幻想,虽然 能和别人一模一样,会有相同的赞赏,但我有定制的主张。每一个转弯 每一个路段,每一次希望 每一次失望,不管多困难 有什么地方,是我不能闯。我听见地平线那一边 呼唤我,不用知道 终点多远,乘着风 迎着浪 扬着帆,不是疯狂。因为信仰 越过了黑夜会遇见梦想,我听见地平线那一边 呼唤我,不用知道 终点多远,乘着风 迎着浪,扬着帆 不是疯狂,因为信仰 终点在望。

6. 海洋奇缘经典英文台词

《How Far I'll Go》是迪士尼动画长片《海洋奇缘》的插曲及片尾曲,先后由奥丽依·卡拉瓦霍和阿莱西娅·卡拉演唱。


I've been staring at the edge of the water

Long as I can remember never really knowing why

I wish I could be the perfect daughter

But I come back to the water no matter how hard I try

Every turn I take every trail I track

Every path I make every road leads back

To the place I know where I can not go though I long to be

See the line where the sky meets the sea it calls me

And no one knows how far it goes

If the wind on my sail on the sea stays behind me

One day I'll know if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go

Go oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Go oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Go I know everybody on this island seems so happy on this island

Everything is by design

I know everybody on this island has a role on this island

So maybe I can roll with mine

I can lead with pride I can make us strong

I'll be satisfied if I play along

But the voice inside sings a different song

What is wrong with me

See the light as it shines on the sea it's blinding

But no one knows how deep it goes

And it seems like it's calling out to me so come find me

And let me know what's beyond that line will I cross that line

See the line where the sky meets the sea it calls me

And no one knows how far it goes

If the wind on my sail on the sea stays behind me

One day I'll know how far I'll go

7. 海洋奇缘英文句子



8. 海洋奇缘经典30句英文

Frozen 《冰雪奇缘》

The fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all.


Mulan 《花木兰》

The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of them all.


Moana 《海洋奇缘》

The people you love will change you, the things you have learned will guide you.


Zootopia 《疯狂动物城》

The more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be.


The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh 《小熊维尼历险记》

It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.


The Lion King 《狮子王》The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.


Snow White and the Seven Dwarves 《白雪公主与七个小矮人》

Remembers, you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine.


Alice in Wonderland 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

It's no use going back to yesterday. Because I was a different person then.


The Hunchback of Notre Dame 《钟楼怪人》

Life is not a spectator sport. If watching is all, you're gonna do. Then you're gonna watch your life go by without you.


Lilo and Stitch 《星际宝贝》

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.


The Incredibles 《超人总动员》

I never look back, darling! It distracts from the now.


Hercules 《大力士》

A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.

