江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    用途 巡游
    全部长度 15.8 m


Flash Catamarans 推出新型高性能双体船 Flash Cat 52 Sailing。该船由著名的法国海...建筑师埃里克-勒鲁热(Erick Lerouge)设计,确保以最小的重量实现最大的舒适度和最佳的性能。经过多年的双体船建造经验,Flash Catamarans 发现了他的最新项目--一艘高性能船。

FlashCat 52 Sailing 是在我们的船厂建造的。我们集团自己造船已有六年多的历史,目前在位于甘迪亚(西班牙巴伦西亚)的新船厂建造,拥有最好的专业人员和现代化设备。

除了大容量带来的舒适性,这艘高性能双体船还能以大多数巡航双体船迄今未知的速度航行。这些优势和其他优势都归功于新型 Flash Cat 52 Sailing 采用了最好的材料,从而实现了出色的性能。


Flash Catamarans presents its new high-performance catamaran, the Flash Cat 52 Sailing. This boat is designed by the prestigious French naval architect Erick Lerouge, ensuring maximum comfort and the best performance with minimum weight. After years of experience building catamarans, Flash Catamarans discover his latest project, a high-performance boat.

The FlashCat 52 Sailing has been built in our shipyard. Our group builds its own boats for more than six years, and currently performed at its newly opened shipyard located in Gandia (Valencia, Spain), with the best professionals and modern equipment.

In addition to the comfort offered by large volumes, this high-performance catamaran will navigate at speeds hitherto unknown for most cruising catamarans. These and other advantages are due to the new Flash Cat 52 Sailing is made with the best materials, which enable outstanding performance.
