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全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    用途 巡游
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    全部长度 15.15 m(49'08" )
    宽度 7.15 m(23'05" )
    吃水深度 1.52 m, 3 m(4'11" , 9'10" )
    位置 9,115 kg, 12,500 kg(20,095.14 lb, 27,557.78 lb)
    燃料容量 275 l(73 gal)
    淡水容量 400 l(106 gal)


HUDSON YACHT GROUP 隆重推出新型 HH44 OPEN,这是一款无障碍滚装豪华双体船。

HH44 OPEN 是 HH Catamarans 与英国残疾人帆船协会 (DSA) 合作,专门为其客户设计的。DSA 的客户追求独立、尊严和与健全水手竞争的能力。HH44 的创新和精心设计使残疾人能够轻松地上下船,下到船体中,有充分的椅子转动空间,上到侧甲板和前甲板。


沙龙面积巨大,达 31 平方米,采用了 HH 惯用的豪华家具和现代风格。在沙龙的前端,一个内部舵手站提供了全面的全天候保护,并根据人体工程学原理进行了配置,可通过轮椅进行全面的舵手和风帆控制。沙龙的后端是一个完整的工作厨房。除了引人注目的外观外,这艘双体船还具有开放式设计,可以让微风吹过,给人以户外的感觉。沙龙前部的两扇大窗户可以收起,有一个令人印象深刻的大型开放式天窗,侧窗可以向前滑动打开,沙龙入口处的门可以开到舱顶,沙龙尾部的大型开放式野生动物园窗户可以让您在厨房烹饪时面向船尾,体验全新的感觉。


HUDSON YACHT GROUP is proud to introduce the new HH44 OPEN, a ro-ro accessible luxury performance catamaran..

The HH44 OPEN has been designed by HH Catamarans in collaboration with the Disabled Sailors Association (DSA) of the UK specifically for their clients. The DSA clients seek independence, dignity, and the ability to compete with able bodied sailors. The HH44's innovation and careful design enable the disabled sailor to easily get on and off the boat, down into the hulls with full chair turning room, and up onto the side decks and foredeck.

Working directly in the UK with Mike Wood founder of the DSA UK, Naval Architect James Hakes has created an outstanding design that encompasses everything required in a stunning new look that will once again set a new benchmark in the industry.

The salon is huge at 31sqm, with customary HH luxury furnishing and modern styling. At the forward end of the salon an internal helm station offers complete weather protection and is ergonomically configured for full helm and sail control from a wheelchair. At the aft end of the salon is a complete working galley. Aside from the striking looks this catamaran OPENS up so that the apparent breeze flows through, giving the sailor an outdoor feeling. The two large forward salon windows tuck away, there's an impressively large opening sunroof, the side windows slide forward to open, the salon entry doors open into the cabin top, and a large opening safari window at the aft end of the salon will make cooking at the galley while facing aft a new sensation.
