江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    船体数量 双体船
    用途 远洋巡游
    船舱数量 5舱
    甲板布局 尾部开放式
    材料 铝制
    其他特性 定制
    全部长度 44.2 m(145'00" )


双体帆船 Hemisphere 是潘丹尼斯造船厂 25 年来推出的最独特、最气派的产品之一。作为世界上同类双体船中最大的私人船只,它的规模之大令人瞩目,但同样令人印象深刻的是其内部空间和船上设施的奢华细节。Pendennis 与第 33 届美洲杯帆船赛冠...多体船的设计者、领先的多体船海...建筑师 Van Peteghem Lauriot Prévost (VPLP) 合作。他们的创新设计将大型横甲板打造成其标志性的 "ailes de mouette",不仅分散了上浮的波浪运动,而且还容纳了大型补给船。

Michael Leach 设计公司轻松、优雅的内饰是当代时尚的缩影,游艇的超大容积提供了高度的奢华感,但又不失华丽,是一艘既美观又实用的家庭型游艇。

游艇上有 5 个舒适的套房,可容纳 12 人。与 44 米长的游艇相比,船上的水上运动设施更像是一家私人海滨酒店。右舷的盥洗室可容纳常见的超级游艇 "玩具":帆板、滑水板、Seabobs、滑水板等以及船员的小艇。自下水以来,Hemisphere 一直由我们在 Pendennis Palma 的改装团队以及我们在太平洋的基地提供支持,在大溪地巡航期间,我们还为其提供游艇支持。


The sailing catamaran Hemisphere is one of Pendennis Shipyard’s most unique and imposing launches in our 25 year history. As the largest privately owned vessel of her type in the world she turns heads due to her sheer scale, but equally impressive is the level of luxurious detail within her interior spaces and range of on-board facilities. Pendennis partnered with leading multihull naval architects Van Peteghem Lauriot Prévost (VPLP) – designers of the 33rd America’s Cup winning multihull. Their innovative design formed the large cross-deck into their trademark ‘ailes de mouette’ which not only dispersed the up-draft wave motion, but also housed the large tender.

Michael Leach Design’s relaxed, elegant interior is the epitome of contemporary chic and the yacht’s exceptional volume offers a high degree of luxury without a trace of glitz resulting in a beautiful yet practical family orientated yacht.

Accommodation is provided for 12 guests arranged in 5 comfortable en-suite cabins. Watersports facilities on board are more akin to a private waterfront hotel than to a 44m yacht. The starboard lazarette holds the usual superyacht ‘toys’: windsurfers, wakeboards, Seabobs, waterskis etc and the crew tender, and the port hull contains a dive centre with a full range of equipment capable of both Air and NITROX tank fills. Since her launch Hemisphere has been supported by our refit team at Pendennis Palma and from our base in the Pacific, with yacht support available to her whilst she was cruising Tahiti.
