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全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 1舱
    甲板布局 封闭式驾驶舱
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    全部长度 6.8 m(22'03" )


乇679筏被设计了作为容易航行多船身游艇,可能乘平均家用汽车也落后,不用对拆卸或昂贵的可折叠拖车的需要。设计主要为2人,TC 670对一加上或者一个家庭是理想的小孩子。小客舱以一个双重停泊处为特色、一间大和易使用的船上厨房和附近3在舒适可能坐的一张小桌在。也有在双重停泊处的脚的下一间化工洗手间,并且2个孩子可能床铺下来在驾驶舱内在景气帐篷下。在船锚,帐篷把驾驶舱变成巨大的包括的生活范围。增加在每个船身的四分之一停泊处在孩子的驾驶舱位子下也是可能的。



所有风帆可以是reefed在打击,并且游艇以航行的可移动的‘H obbie’样式先驱者位子为特色在强风。对于正常航行这些是多余的。船具以从弓杆设置的一艘不对称的大三角帆为特色,如果需要,但是可能使用一艘正常对称大三角帆


The Torr 679 Catamaran was designed as an easy to sail multi-hull yacht, which could also be trailed by the average family car without the need for demounting or expensive collapsible trailers. Designed primarily for 2 people, the TC 670 is ideal for a couple, or a family with young children. The small cabin features a double berth, a good sized and easy to use galley, and a small table around which 3 can sit in comfort. There is also a chemical toilet beneath the foot of the double berth, and 2 children could bunk down in the cockpit under a boom tent. At anchor, the tent will turn the cockpit into a huge covered living area. It is also quite possible to add quarter berths in each hull under the cockpit seats for children.

This yacht features a single centre board and rudder placed on the center line. On small, narrower cats, this configuration has proven to be most effective and efficient, and the lack of board cases in the hulls makes construction that much easier and quicker

Particular care has been taken to ensure that this boat is both a safe and reliable performer, with an efficient sail plan and low profile for windward performance

All sails can be reefed in a blow, and the yacht features removable ‘H obbie’ style out-rider seats for sailing in stronger winds. For normal sailing these are unnecessary. The rig features an asymmetrical spinnaker set from a bow pole, but a normal symmetrical spinnaker could be used if desired
