江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 尾部开放式
    材料 铝制
    帆缆索具 双桅纵帆
    全部长度 65'03"(19.91 m)
    宽度 17'06"(5.33 m)
    吃水深度 5'09"(1.78 m)
    位置 71,500 lb(32,431.85 kg)
    燃料容量 300 gal
    淡水容量 450 gal


令人惊叹的 Kanter 65 不仅性能出众、操作简便,而且豪华气派,能够满足最挑剔船主的航海要求。为了让您高枕无忧,Kanter 65 还体现了 Kanter 对舒适性和安全性的不懈追求。

Kanter 65 由高强度铝合金焊接而成。船体、甲板和上层建筑融为一体,以提供最大强度,而前后焊接的防水铝舱壁则提供了额外的强度和安全性。Kanter 65 还采用浅吃水龙骨/中板配置,可在高性能巡航时提供最佳舒适度,并可进入浅滩锚地。 船舵采用椭圆形边缘,在任何情况下都能实现令人印象深刻的转向控制。

Kanter 65 的设计由国际著名的海...建筑师 Dieter Empacher 担纲,其经典的外形与时尚的横梁设计相得益彰。平齐的甲板和低矮的船舱外形让人联想到赛车游艇,前甲板干净整洁,便于驾驭帆船或舒适地休息。 驾驭风帆的技术已经发展到如此高的水平,以至于在船员人数有限的情况下驾驶 Kanter 65 仍然是一个可行的选择。



The stunning Kanter 65 was created to offer both impressive performance and ease of operation as well as truly exceptional luxury and style, satisfying the sailing requirements of even the most discriminating owners. To ensure peace of mind, the Kanter 65 also demonstrates Kanter’s true dedication to comfort and safety.

The Kanter 65 is constructed of high-strength welded aluminum alloy. The hull, deck and superstructure are integrated to provide maximum strength, while welded, watertight aluminum bulkheads fore and aft provide additional strength and safety. The Kanter 65 also offers a shallow draft keel/centerboard configuration which provides optimum comfort during high-performance cruising as well as access to shallow anchorages. The vessel’s rudder features an elliptical edge to give her truly impressive steering control in all conditions.

Designed by leading international naval architect Dieter Empacher, the design of the Kanter 65 presents a classic profile that gives way to a more modern sheer with stylish transom design. The flush deck and low cabin profile are reminiscent of a racing yacht with a clean foredeck for easy sail-handling or comfortable lounging. Sail-handling technology has advanced to such a level that sailing the Kanter 65 with a limited crew remains a viable option.

Below the waterline, the design promises responsive handling and strong performance. The shallow draft keel and high ballast-to-displacement ratio allows for a comfortable motion at sea, while the length of the root chord gives excellent tracking stability. The centerboard shape is optimized to provide maximum lift-to-drag ratio.
