江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    用途 巡航竞赛
    船舱数量 3舱
    床位数量 8铺位
    甲板布局 封闭式驾驶舱, 中央驾驶舱
    材料 碳纤, 玻璃纤维
    帆缆索具 碳纤桅杆
    其他特性 牵引式, 风帆驱动, 不可浸没, 电动推进, 家庭, 油电混合动力推进
    全部长度 11 m(36'01" )


IC36 旨在提供最佳体验,无论您的野心是赛车还是与家人一起玩耍。


由于水线以下的低流体动力阻力,船体轮廓狭窄,所有重量轻,比风速快 1.4 倍。

碳压缩束 + 不对称弓形。 高科技设备,有助于惊人的性能。

横向和前后稳定性和 IC36 是不可沉没的。

高端 B&G 电子产品提供精确的数据和天气信息。




AFT 安装的戴维架设计用于携带太阳能电池板或一些您最喜爱的运动器材,如 Jetsurf。


LOA:11 米/36 英尺高度

:10,82 米/35 英尺

横梁:6,2 米/20,34 英尺

桥面间隙:80 厘米/2,63 英尺

重量:2,2-2,8 吨

草稿:0,85-2 米/2,79-6,6 英尺

桅杆高度:15 米/49 英尺

主帆:42 平方米/452 平方米

悬臂:18 平方米/194 平方

米/194 平方米

/194 平方米:定制


水:2 x 160 升/35 英国加仑

发动机:2 x 海伏 6 千瓦

运输宽度:2,55 米/8,4 f


The IC36 is designed to offer the very best experience, whether your ambition is for racing or for fun with the family.

Everything can be dismantled for ease of transport by your car or container.

1.4 times faster than the wind thanks to low hydrodynamic resistance below the waterline, with a narrow hull profile and low all-up weight.

Carbon compression beam + asymmetric bowsprit. High-tech equipment that contributes to stunning performance.

Lateral and fore-and-aft stability and IC36 is UNSINKABLE.

High-end B&G electronics deliver precise data and weather information.

Our top model includes state-of-the-art technology and the highest specification of yachting hardware.

Designed for lovers of technology, and for owners who want to achieve ultimate self-sufficiency in generating energy using electric propulsion with a hydro-regeneration unit.

It is equipped top-of-the-range equipment including carbon rotating mast, coach-roof with sliding blind, comfortable bench and dining table for friends and family, with marine-spec equipment for cooking at cockpit, and much more.

Aft-mounted davits have been designed to carry solar panels or some of your favourite sports equipment, such as Jetsurf.

Assemble your ultimate vessel for independent living at our web Configurator.

LOA: 11 m / 36 ft

LWL: 10,82 m / 35,5 ft

Beam: 6,2 m / 20,34 ft

Bridgedeck clearance: 80 cm / 2,63 ft

Weight: 2,2 - 2,8 t

Draft: 0,85 - 2 m / 2,79 - 6,6 ft

Mast height: 15 m / 49 ft

Mainsail: 42 sqm / 452 sq ft

Jib: 18 sqm / 194 sq ft

Code 0: 46 sqm / 495 sq ft

Gennaker: custom made

Berths: 6 – 8

Water: 2 x 160 l / 35 UK gallon

Engine: 2 x Oceanvolt 6 Kw

Transport width: 2,55 m / 8,4 f
