江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    用途 巡游
    其他特性 牵引式
    全部长度 6.2 m(20'04" )
    宽度 2.5 m(8'02" )
    吃水深度 1 m(3'03" )
    位置 750 kg(1,653.47 lb)
    帆面 22 m², 50 m²(237 ft², 538 ft²)


在你要去的地区航行,你可以在一天之内用可拖车的Waarschip 21 CR到达一个更大的游艇的地方。



Waarschip 21的适航性足以在较大的水域进行短途航运。

该船的设计灵感来自于Waarschip 570的设计。荷兰著名的水上运动记者Henk Bezemer就是用这艘船两次航行到亚速尔群岛的。


Sailing in areas where you are on your way for a larger yacht for days can be reached within a day with the trailerable Waarschip 21 CR!

Thanks to its weight – incl. Trailer less than 1000 kg – this Waarschip can be transported by practically any car.The mast is easy to install with 2 people and most marinas are equipped with a crane that can put the boat of the trailer in the harbor

Imagine: you drive to Kiel or Sonderborg in Denmark within a day, put the boat in the harbor, and your holiday starts in a sailors’ paradise, without tides, in crystal clear water.The nicest picturesque harbors are within reach within a few hours.

The Waarschip 21 is seaworthy enough for short sea shipping on larger water.

The boat is inspired by the design of the Waarschip 570. That is the same boat with which the well-known Dutch watersports journalist Henk Bezemer sailed to the Azores twice.
