江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    船体数量 双体船
    用途 游览
    帆缆索具 碳纤桅杆
    其他特性 可运输
    全部长度 4.2 m(13'09" )
    宽度 2.1 m(6'10" )



为了庆祝MiniCat在全世界航行的15年,我们推出了MiniCat 420的庆祝型号,这是一款真正的限量版,仅有15艘船,每艘船都有编号,并配有特殊的铭牌,注明1-15号的Ltd Ed序列号。

MiniCat 420 - 15周年纪念版 "基于我们大受欢迎的MiniCat 420 Evoque--420系列中最运动的型号,尽可能多地使用碳纤维,除了碳纤维船舵、船首和船桅外,桅杆也采用超轻碳纤维。

MiniCat 420--15周年纪念版 "采用独特的一次性庆典帆设计,还为喜欢强风的水手提供了 "风暴帆"。这款独特的MiniCat 420装在带轮子的袋子里,还包括其他功能,如前蹦床、舵叶罩和钢丝罩作为标准配置。

对于喜欢个性的水手来说,这是一个独一无二的机会。你将驾驶你的 "MiniCat 420 - 15周年纪念版 "航行,并确信你属于一个非常独特的俱乐部,一个只有15名成员的俱乐部。


Possibly the best MiniCat we’ve ever made and certainly the most exclusive.

To celebrate 15 fantastic years of MiniCat sailing all over the world we introduce a celebration model of the MiniCat 420, a true Limited Edition with just 15 boats available, each numbered and identified with a special plaque stating the Ltd Ed Serial No. 1-15.

Based on our hugely popular MiniCat 420 Evoque, the sportiest model of the 420 range, the ‘MiniCat 420 - 15th Anniversary Edition’ uses as much carbon fiber as possible, in addition to the carbon rudder, bowsprit and boom, the mast is also from ultra-light carbon fiber.

Featuring a unique and exclusive one-off celebration sail design, the ‘MiniCat 420 - 15th Anniversary Edition’ also sports a ‘Storm Sail’ for sailors who enjoy their strong winds. This unique MiniCat 420 comes packed in bags with wheels and includes other features such as a front trampoline, rudder-blade cover and wire covers included as standard.

This is a unique opportunity for sailors who like to be truly individual. You will sail your ‘MiniCat 420 - 15th Anniversary Edition’ in the sure knowledge that you belong to a very exclusive club, a club with just 15 members!
