江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    用途 巡游, 传统型, 游览, 帆船比赛
    船舱数量 2舱
    材料 玻璃纤维
    其他特性 牵引式, 定制, 风帆驱动, 不可浸没, 行动不便人士
    全部长度 24'06" (7.47 m)


一个独特和高性能的船,由杰出的设计师巴勃罗·马斯特拉奇奥开发-谁声称超过 200 船航行遍布智利,巴西,阿根廷以及欧洲和美国

M24.5 是多年的经验的结果,实现了最好的巡航帆船和赛艇的好处.

7.20 米长帆船,具有现代化的内部和外部线条。 设计成一个可追踪的长筒,满足那些谁没有高度手段导航的需求。

乘坐我们卓越的 24 英尺帆船,体验舒适和风格的新水域。

该工艺装有一个起重龙骨提供 1.40 米的草案在较低的位置和 0,50 米在较高的位置, 以及一个升降舵. 这些元素有助于轻松操纵和移动的帆船,使其能够到达岸边,并将其装入拖车。

M24.5 的固定龙骨版本适用于那些不需要升降龙骨系统的用户。


可在 1.35 米草案与铁灯泡。


M24.5 FX 保证了 24 英尺帆船业务的价格更具竞争力,保证了其所有组件(铁制品、凝胶涂料、树脂、单向和双向织物、增强材料、丙烯酸和窗户)的高品质。



A unique and high performance ship, developed by outstanding designer Pablo Mastracchio - who claims more than 200 ships sailing throughout Chile, Brasil, Argentina as well as Europe and the United States

M24.5 is the result of many years of experience, achieving a great complement between the best of cruising sailing and the benefits of a racing boat.

7.20 m length sailboat, with modern interior and exterior lines. Designed as a trailerable daysailer that satisfies the needs of those who navigate with no elevation means.

Explore new waters in comfort and style, on our splendid 24 foot sailboat.

This craft is fitted with a lifting keel providing 1.40 m of draft in the lower position and 0,50 m in the higher position, as well as a lifting rudder. These elements contribute to easy manipulation and mobility of the sailboat, allowing it to reach the shore and load it into a trailer.

A fixed-keel version of M24.5 is available for those who do not need a lifting keel system.

This new type provides simplicity and good price, maintaining all the rest of navigation features and the high quality that remarks our boats.

Available in 1.35 m draft with iron bulb.

This keel development is the result of studies related to fluids’ dynamic, performed to optimize the lift response at different angles of the heel, with the lowest component of associated resistance.

M24.5 FX guarantees a more competitive price in the 24-foot sailing boats’ segment, mantaining the high quality of all its components (ironworks, gelcoat, resins, unidirectional and bidirectional fabrics, reinforcements, acrylics and windows).

Perfect for yachting lovers who sail in search of adventures!
