江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    用途 游览, 竞赛
    船舱数量 1舱
    床位数量 双铺位
    材料 玻璃纤维
    全部长度 7.3 m (23'11")
    宽度 2.34 m (7'08")
    吃水深度 0.51 m, 1.52 m (1'08")
    发动机功率 4 ch, 10 ch (4 hp)
    燃料容量 23 l (6 gal)


为了回应Catalina 22船主对更准确地反映这种流行的单一设计船的原始尺寸和重量的生产船的要求,Catalina Yachts现在正在建造Catalina 22 Sport。


与第一代Catalina 22一样,22Sport易于拖车,是一艘从小艇航行升级到袖珍巡洋舰/比赛的好船,提供自1970年以来Catalina船主所期望的质量和价值。

为了回应Catalina 22船主的要求(或更准确地反映这种流行的单一设计船的原始尺寸和重量的生产船,Catalina游艇现在正在建造Catalina 22 Sport,目的是鼓励更多的家庭使用数以千计的第一代22船,提供一个替代方案,而不是找到一个旧船并修复它只是为了在几十个既定的Catalina 22船队中具有竞争力。

与第一代Catalina 22一样,22Sport易于拖车,是一艘从小艇航行到袖珍巡洋舰/赛车的好船,提供自1970年以来Catalina船东所期望的质量和价值。






In response to Catalina 22 owners’ requests for a production boat that more accurately reflects the original dimensions and weight of this popular one design boat, Catalina Yachts is now building the Catalina 22 Sport.

Catalina Yachts aims to encourage more family racing with the thousands of first generation 22s by offering an alternative to finding an older boat, and restoring it just to be competitive in the dozens of established Catalina 22 fleets.

Like the first Catalina 22, the 22Sport is easy to trailer, and a great boat to step up from dinghy sailing to a pocket cruiser/race, offering the quality and value Catalina owners have come to expect since 1970.

In response to Catalina 22 owners' requesls (or a production boat ttiat more accurately reflects the original dimensions and weight of tîiis popular one design boat, Catalina Yachts is now building the Catalina 22 Sport The aim is to encourage more family radng with the thousands of first génération 22s by offering an alternative to finding an older boat and restoring it just to be compétitive in the dozens of established Catalina 22 fleets.

Like the first Catalina 22, the 22Sport is easy to trailer, and a great boat to step up from dinghy sailing to a pocket cruiser/racer, offering the quality and value Catalina owners hâve corne to expect since 1970.

Deck Hardware

We use top quality hardware. Blocks are low-friction bail bearing construcüon. Two primary winches with a winch handle are standard.


One piece white (iberglass hull with molded in blue waterline stripe, and trailer bow eye. Foam dotation and lead ballast rétractable keel.
