江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    用途 巡航竞赛
    船舱数量 2舱
    床位数量 4铺位
    全部长度 11.78 m (38'07")
    宽度 3.95 m (12'11")
    吃水深度 2.34 m (7'08")
    位置 5.9 t (6.5 us ton)
    发动机功率 30 ch (30 hp)


让一艘船在所有比赛中获胜绝非易事......但这正是造船厂和 Jacques Valer 对 JPK 1180 的期望。

设计一艘 100% 的近海或 ORC 船非常简单:薄截面、高重量比、小润湿面积、大帆面积和相当大的排水量。

100% 离岸船的设计也相当简单:增加船体功率,减少龙骨重量,减轻总排水量。剩下的就取决于建筑师了,他可以通过自己的才能优化设计。

就 1180 而言,这个问题变得更加复杂......要赢得中海帆船赛或法斯特耐特帆船赛,就需要离岸船体;但要赢得考斯周或法国西部帆船赛,就需要近岸船体!

雅克-瓦勒(Jacques Valer)可能是迄今为止将这两者结合得最好的建筑师,他已经用他以前的船(JPK 960、JPK 1010、JPK 1080)证明了这一点。

1180 着重强调船员驾驶(8/9 人),这样就能充分发挥和利用船只的修剪功能。

JPK 1180 是第一艘 100% 专为船员航行设计的 JPK Racer。它动力强劲、生动活泼、用途广泛,是一款真正的制胜机器,几乎赢得了一切!翻转的舷侧、适中的自由板以及哨声中的船顶,使它看起来极具破坏力。


Getting a boat to win in all race formats is never easy ... but that is the ambition of the shipyard and Jacques Valer for the JPK 1180.

Designing a 100% inshore or ORC boat is quite simple: thin sections, high weight ratio, small wetted area, generous sail area and fairly high displacement.

Designing a 100% offshore boat is also fairly straightforward: increased hull power allowing for less weight in keel and a lighter overall displacement. The rest is up to the architect, who, through his talent, optimises the design.

In the case of the 1180, the subject becomes more complicated ... to win a Middle Sea Race or a Fastnet, you need an offshore hull; but to win a Cowes Week or a Spi Ouest France, you need an inshore boat!

Jacques Valer is probably the best architect so far to combine the two, and he has already proved it with his previous boats (JPK 960, JPK 1010, JPK 1080).

With the 1180, the emphasis has been placed on crewed sailing (8/9), which allows the boat's trim to be played with and exploited to the full.

The JPK 1180 is the first JPK Racer 100% dedicated to crewed sailing. Powerful, lively, ultra versatile, it is a real winning machine that has already won almost everything! With its reversed sheer, its moderate freeboard and its roof in whistle, it has a devastating look.
