江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    用途 巡游, 巡航竞赛, 帆船比赛, 运动龙骨船
    船舱数量 2舱
    材料 玻璃纤维
    附件 升降龙骨
    其他特性 风帆驱动, 电动推进
    全部长度 28'06" (8.69 m)


Mastracchio 28.5 是多年经验的结果,实现了最好的巡航帆船和赛艇的好处之间的巨大补充。

8.45 米长的帆船,拥有现代化的外观线条和宽敞而精致的内饰,M28.5 重新定义了一艘 28 英尺帆船的期望,能够在任何其他类型的水域中航行。

只需一个按钮就可以将草案减少到只有 90 厘米,同时保持龙骨在其较低的位置将允许您达到 1.70 米的草案船的性能。




提到的固定龙骨开发有两个草案:1.45 米和 1.60 米。


M28.5 FX 不仅保证了 26 至 30 英尺帆船的细分更具竞争力的价格,而且还有一个改进的内部布局,这是更舒适的,因为它介绍了一个更紧凑的餐桌桌。

最近推出了固定和起重龙骨版本的封闭船尾客舱布局。 这种替代方案适合喜欢在船上体验更多隐私的客户群体。


Mastracchio 28.5 is the result of many years of experience, achieving a great complement between the best of cruising sailing and the benefits of a racing boat.

8.45 m length sailboat, with modern exterior lines and wide and sophisticated interiors, M28.5 has re-defined what can be expected from a 28-feet sailing boat, being able to navigate in waters where no other of this kind could.

Lifting its keel with just one button enables to reduce the draft to only 90 cm, while maintaining the keel in its lower position will allow you to reach a performance of a 1.70 meter-draft boat.

The whole ballast concentrated in a bulb provides high levels of stability and safety.

A fixed-keel version of this sailboat is available for those who do not need a lifting keel system.

This new type provides simplicity and good price, maintaining all the rest of navigation features and the high quality that remarks our boats, for sure.

The mentioned fixed-keel development is offered in two drafts: 1.45 and 1.60 meters.

These two keel models are the result of studies related to fluids’ dynamic, performed to optimize the lift response at different angles of the heel, with the lowest component of associated resistance.

M28.5 FX not only guarantees a more competitive price in the 26 to 30-feet sailing boats’ segment, but has also an improved interior layout, which is more comfortable, as it INTRODUCES contains a more compact dinette table.

Closed aft cabin layout has been recently presented for both fixed and lifting keel version. This alternative suits a customer segment who prefer to experience more privacy on board.
