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全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    床位数量 4铺位
    全部长度 7.45 m (24'05")



Fabola校园7.4是游艇的一个新型。 在汽车工业it´s叫“缩小”。 It´s关于是高效率在物质用途和燃料消费的创造更小的汽车和仍然与表现由于更加高效率的引擎。

这也是校园7.4的一个贴合描述。 关于使用容量的It´s在一个更加聪明的方式。

认为环境问题校园7.4是非常有效率的。 使用仅风的一个低阻力船身速度的。 溜滑船身给范围和速度在一条更大的小船。 如果有需要对于引擎一台电动机是选择。 小船可以符合太阳能电池和岸供应,什么汽车电话“接通”。

校园7.4有9米传统keelboat的舒适。 通过使用空间以创新方式,在7,26 m的长度有空间为; 1,95 m顶踵长、4个外部4个的人停泊处2 m长度,与门的就座内部和,有致冷机的WC,餐具室,水槽和火炉。 也有与适当的后面架靠背的一个安全和深家庭的驾驶舱和舒适。 大量装载空间。

然而最重要的问题是舒适处理。 与舒适的这个水平的游艇不是,很容易处理,因为船骨在船身折叠它可以被降下入从一辆拖车的水在舷梯,它可以被装配的非常容易归结于折叠的帆柱,并且一个可能到达浅停泊由于与船骨的0,30 cm深度。 仅想象力设置了的界限您可以其次的地方去。 或许到斯堪的纳维亚群岛,地中海或者芬兰的湖。


Smaller and better

Fabola Campus 7.4 is a new type of yacht. In the car industry it´s called “downsizing”. It´s about creating smaller cars that is more efficient in material use and fuel consumption, and still with performance due to more efficient engines.
This is also a fitting description of the Campus 7.4. It´s about using the volume in a smarter way.

Considering environmental issues the Campus 7.4 is highly efficient. An low drag hull using only the wind for speed. The slippery hull gives range and speed as in a much larger boat. If there is a need for an engine a electric motor is an option. The boat can be fitted with solar cells and shore supply, what cars call “plug in”.

The Campus 7.4 has the comfort of a 9-meter traditional keelboat. By using the space in an innovative manner, at a length of 7,26 m there is space for; 1,95 m standing height, 4 berths over 2 m length, seating of 4 persons in- and outside, WC with door, pantry with cooler, sink and stove. There is also a safe and deep cockpit with proper backrest and comfort for a family. Plenty of stowage space.

The most important matter is however the ease of handling. No yacht with this level of comfort has ever been so easy to handle, as the keel folds in the hull it can be lowered into water from a trailer on a ramp, it can be rigged very easy due to the folding mast, and one can reach shallow moorings due to the 0,30 cm depth with the keel up. Only the imagination set the boundaries for where you can go next. Perhaps to the Scandinavian archipelagos, the Mediterranean or the lakes of Finland.
